Thursday, August 12, 2010

Samura Maere Paloma

Samantha does not have my dictionary of ethnic names but she did google for me and found the closest names to Samura which were Samira and Samurai. I think we will go with Samira which is Arabic and means a companion for evening conversation. Less of a samurai and more of a geisha or in the Arabic tradition, Shahrazad of the Arabian Nights.
As the story goes the king of Arabia had been betrayed by his first wife and had a deep distrust of women. So he would marry, have a wedding night and then execute his new wife in the morning.
To save her life, Sharazad told the king a very interesting adventure tale on their wedding night. But she finished with a cliff hanger with the promise that she would finish the story the following night. This pattern continued for a thousand and one nights until the king was deeply in love with Sharazad and they lived happily ever after .... but that is the abridged version of the tale.
Maere means bitterness and Paloma is a dove and a reference to the Holy Spirit. You may indeed have gifts of wisdom little girl but life will not always be sweet. It is not so for any of us. It is the Holy Spirit that uses the bitter things of life to deepen our wisdom and with wisdom compassion. Life has already served you up some bitter circumstances. You are an orphan .... so what is the wisdom in this? ..... Better to suffer with the righteous then to share wealth with the proud, for God loves the widow and the orphan. May God bless you and keep you and may he bring you into our home and finally into his home, for he sets the lonely in families. Amen.
I Am Jesus Little Lamb
I am Jesus little lamb,
Ever glad at heart I am;
For my Shepherd gently guides me,
Knows my need, and well provides me,
Loves me every day the same,
Even calls me by my name.
Day by day at home, away,
Jesus is my staff and stay.
When I hunger, Jesus feeds me,
Into pleasant pastures leads me;
When I thirst, he bids me go
Where the quiet waters flow.
Who so happy as I am,
Even now the Shepherd's lamb?
And when my short life is ended,
By his angel host attended,
He shall fold me to his breast,
There within his arms to rest.
~Henrietta L. von Hayn

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