Friday, August 27, 2010

May The Lord Bless You

Jesus once healed a blind man by spitting into a handful of dirt and smearing it on his eyes .... on another occasion a woman touched the hem of his garment and was healed of a bleeding disorder. Was Jesus so full of the Holy Ghost people got healed just coming in contact with him? But then folks were not just randomly healed ... there was faith and a request present. Jesus had contact with alot of people not everyone asked for a healing .... the Demoniac didn't request one either .... but Jesus had mercy on him and healed him with a spoken word. He touched and was touched ... he spoke ... he spit and people got better. And it didn't stop there. After Pentecost his disciples did the same ..... well, there's no documented account of spitting. But there is the account of Paul blessing handkerchiefs that then went to the sick. In Jesus name the lame walked and the dead were raised. I mention this because I pray that my handmade things will bless there owners with good health. I took a few baby blankets to the clinic in Haiti and handed them out to mother's in the waiting room. The blankies are not magic and neither am I but God answers prayer.

Friday, August 20, 2010

On The Bucket List

Before I go I do have a personal "Bucket List". I'm writing a book. And it's almost finished in it's rough draft. My book is called The Two Step. We know the two step as a dance but it is also a Two Step Program for reconciliation. AA has a Twelve Step Program ..... The Scriptures teach a Two Step Program. I've got the art chosen for the cover. It is a medieval illumination of St. George and the Dragon and I have taken the prevailing rule of thumb to write about what I know.
All though my brother in law is the publisher for Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing I will be self publishing. Apparently they do not publish family members or they have too many books that need selling as it is. They haven't read my manuscript so it is not a rejection based on the merit of my book. I am married to an English teacher so I have an editor on call who will also make sure that men are comfortable reading my book.
What I would like to see for The Two Step is the book .... a study guide that could be used for small group bible study (possible adapted to couples, teens etc...), some CD's with complimentary sermons, and an illustrated children's book, Genevieve Does The Two Step.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Coming Home

I was never home sick in Haiti. Everyday I figured there was something important for me to do and life was just there waiting to happen. Being in Haiti gave me perspective on the sacrifice of Christ and how he left his home in glory to live in some conditions even more primitive then Haiti. But while I ran into spiritual opposition I didn't end up on a cross.
When our time was up I was ready to go home. I believe I will have the same anticipation when I leave this world for heaven. Coming home was a bit like heaven. Cooler breezes, air conditioning, a bathtub, really good water ..... home. I'm happy about the little things that make my life comfortable. I feel like I need less and if I start feeling like I need more I remember Haiti. I did have some cravings though ... a Jr. Whopper, french fries and a Starbucks Frappachino. According to my diet this is stuff I almost never eat but I think it was just the idea that I couldn't have it made me want it.

Justice & Mercy

There is somewhere a perfect balance of justice and mercy and it is found at the cross. God's law was broken. Justice had to be served. Justice was satisfied at the cross and mercy is graced upon all who believe ... with the blood of Christ we are forgiven and redeemed. We who are bought with a price give back our obedience in gratitude.
Jesus demonstrated the proper balance of justice and mercy. He upheld the law without dispensing of mercy. He did this with works of compassion on the Sabbath. The Jews had strict laws for honoring the Sabbath. They considered healing on the Sabbath a violation of those laws. It is because of the example of Christ that Christians practice acts of compassion and mercy on the Sabbath day. Once Jesus healed a lame man on the Sabbath and then told him to pick up his bed and walk. The Jews got all in a flap because a man was carrying his bed on the Sabbath day ..... the fact that a lame man got healed sort of got lost in the shuffle.
I bring this up because Haitian adoption has been bound up in all sorts of legal red tape because of some missionaries that tried to take some children out of the country. So now in trying to keep every letter of the law there are children without homes and families waiting for their children. The world is in a flap because there was not due process in a crisis situation. The fact that children are being offered a better life sort of got lost in the shuffle.
It is my judgement, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. Instead we should write to them telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood." Acts 15 The Council of Jerusalem

The Master Has Need Of It

So the disciples went into the city and found the donkey and it's colt just as Jesus had said. When they went to untie the colt the owners questioned them and they replied, "The Master has need of it."
A strange thought that God lays a claim on our lives and says, "I need you to be my hands and feet." Could he do his work without us? .... well of course ... he is God. But if he did it without us we would not learn to be concerned about the things that he is concerned about and we would not have the joy of partnering with an Almighty God. We would not be partner and witness to the miracles, the flung open doors, the joy of his presence ... the sanctification.
When God first called me to go to the school and then to go to Haiti and take the little children in my arms and bless them just as he did when he was on this earth my first response was, "I wasn't planning on this." But Jesus stopped me along the way to what I was planning on and showed me his heart. If I had said, "no" he would have found someone else and not only would I have missed out on all that he has done but I would have fallen short of obedience. Jesus loves the little children. And I am still awed that he wanted to use me.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Call Me Ismae'lle

How do you explain to someone in a convincing manner what God has spoken to you? All I can say is that I had a prayer and an answer to prayer. I prayed to find a woman who I could help with a business. God gave me a woman child that needed training and a group of little girls to go with her. Ismae'lle (Iss my el) was nearly the first person to greet me in Chambrun. She leaned up against me and I started to pray silently like I did for everyone I came across. Her heart was already open to the Lord and I could feel the Holy Spirit filling both of us with his presence but also I felt a transfer of my gift to this child. Like Oholiab & Bezaliel who were anointed by the Spirit for gifts in the arts I knew she was being called. And ever after that whenever we ran into each other we were joined at the hip.
In fact when I first went to the orphanage to find Samura, Ismae'lle got a little insecure. When I sat down her little arm went tight around my neck. I patted her arm and repeated "je' taime" over and again until she knew she had not been replaced in my affections. I do look forward to teaching her little class along with some of the other precious little girls. Above left you see Ismae'lle with a picture of me that I took out of the photo album and left with her. On the right she is pictured with her mother Edna.
When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had compassion and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened. But Jonah was greatly displeased .... But the Lord said, " .... Ninevah has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city." Jonah

Looking For Tasha

Samura Maere Paloma is not Tasha. Tasha is my promise child. After Jonathan was born I asked God if I would have any more children and the answer was affirmative for a little girl. I prayed about a name and got the name Anastasia which I modified to Ana Tasha. It means "a resurrection". Now I had a little girl that died and I don't agree with reincarnation nor do I believe that Giselle is coming back to me in this life but the scripture verse for this name is found in Romans, "If their rejection is reconciliation for the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead." ... there is a biblical teaching that says the full number of the Gentiles must be brought into the kingdom of God before the nation of Israel receives her Messiah. Jesus said that he was the Good Shepherd and that he had two flocks of sheep that he would bring together as one ... Jews and Gentiles. For now there are many Messianic Jews who embrace Messiah Jesus. While Christians and Jews have had something of a rocky history the present day relationship is pretty strong with Christians embracing Jews and looking to bless them wherever possible. Jews also commemorate and recognize "righteous" Gentiles. As Christians we long for the day that the Nation of Israel mourns for the one they have pierced and embraces the Christ before the world.
The Scriptures are also clear that Gentile believers stand by faith alone and are saved by the blood of Christ. We have no righteousness apart from Christ and therefore have no room for boasting. Yes some of the Jewish nation was broken off because of a reliance on law keeping and a trust in their own righteousness but Gentiles will suffer the same fate if we shift from our secure position in God's grace. Believers, Jew and Gentile are warned from pride .... it is a fall from grace.
There have been a couple of times I thought we were on the verge of adopting Tasha. Several years back a couple in our church was with a program that brought Russian orphans to live with host families during the summer. I did inquire if there was an Anastasia in the group. There was one little 10 year old girl with that name who had not yet been adopted. She was the only one not spoken for but when the host family found out I was interested they adopted her. There was another time that we knew a young lady that was pregnant and we offered to take the baby she didn't want but she opted to terminate the pregnancy. Said, she didn't want to get attached.
Samura Maere Paloma is my Gentile as I am a Gentile grafted into Israel .... In Jesus there is no Jew or Gentile .... only the people that God has called to be his people.
I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph. I will bring them back because I have compassion on them, and they shall be as though I have not rejected them, for I am the Lord their God and I will answer them.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sheep Safely Graze

One of the most encouraging impressions that kept coming to my mind was that God is raising up shepherds for Haiti. Shepherds like David a man after God's own heart. Shepherd's who will step up and love God's people standing firm in the strength that God provides. Shepherd's who will act in justice and mercy. Shepherd's who will walk in the footsteps of the Gentle Shepherd. "When the earth shakes it is God who holds the pillars firm."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Haite Menaje'

We do not adopt Samura so she can live the Disney life. We have a good life by American standards .... not a lavish one. Samura will attend the school where David teaches and our boys graduated. She will need school uniforms, some play clothes ... a homemade Sunday dress or two. She will have her own room that she might eventually share with a sister .... some dollies and television. She will have enough to eat and maybe a bike. But Haiti is our family now. We want to live a life that will enable us to go back to Haiti and serve the needs of the people there. We do not have a lot to give. Perhaps some gently used clothing, art supplies, food, a little love and know how... prayers. But most precious of all, the hope we have in Jesus. God sees and loves Haiti. I know, because he told me to love Haiti. I hope to be a blessing to Haiti .... Samura and Haiti are a blessing to me. He can make a way for us to prosper.

Samura Maere Paloma

Samantha does not have my dictionary of ethnic names but she did google for me and found the closest names to Samura which were Samira and Samurai. I think we will go with Samira which is Arabic and means a companion for evening conversation. Less of a samurai and more of a geisha or in the Arabic tradition, Shahrazad of the Arabian Nights.
As the story goes the king of Arabia had been betrayed by his first wife and had a deep distrust of women. So he would marry, have a wedding night and then execute his new wife in the morning.
To save her life, Sharazad told the king a very interesting adventure tale on their wedding night. But she finished with a cliff hanger with the promise that she would finish the story the following night. This pattern continued for a thousand and one nights until the king was deeply in love with Sharazad and they lived happily ever after .... but that is the abridged version of the tale.
Maere means bitterness and Paloma is a dove and a reference to the Holy Spirit. You may indeed have gifts of wisdom little girl but life will not always be sweet. It is not so for any of us. It is the Holy Spirit that uses the bitter things of life to deepen our wisdom and with wisdom compassion. Life has already served you up some bitter circumstances. You are an orphan .... so what is the wisdom in this? ..... Better to suffer with the righteous then to share wealth with the proud, for God loves the widow and the orphan. May God bless you and keep you and may he bring you into our home and finally into his home, for he sets the lonely in families. Amen.
I Am Jesus Little Lamb
I am Jesus little lamb,
Ever glad at heart I am;
For my Shepherd gently guides me,
Knows my need, and well provides me,
Loves me every day the same,
Even calls me by my name.
Day by day at home, away,
Jesus is my staff and stay.
When I hunger, Jesus feeds me,
Into pleasant pastures leads me;
When I thirst, he bids me go
Where the quiet waters flow.
Who so happy as I am,
Even now the Shepherd's lamb?
And when my short life is ended,
By his angel host attended,
He shall fold me to his breast,
There within his arms to rest.
~Henrietta L. von Hayn

Sunday, August 8, 2010

May The Lord Bless You & Keep You

Balak brought me from Aram,
The king of Moab from the eastern mountains.
"Come,' he said, 'curse Jacob for me;
come denounce Israel.'
How can I curse
those whom God has not
cursed?How can I denounce
those whom the Lord has not denounced?
From the rocky peaks I see them.
I see a people who live apart
and do not consider themselves
one of the nations.
Who can count the dust of Jacob
or number the fourth part of
Let me die the death of the righteous,
and may my end be like theirs!
~ Numbers 23:6b-10
* * *
May those who bless you be
and those who curse you be
Numbers 24:9b

Will you be one who blesses or curses your brother? One of the purposes of Saylaway was to bless my children. So there are blessings for birthdays and anniversaries. Then God directed me to take that blessing to our school and bless people there. This was also what I was lead to do in Haiti.
While I thought I would be working with the children I ended up on the prayer team with Pattie Harris. I still spent lots of time with the children and others but God had placed me and Pattie as watchmen on the wall. Now when an invading army wants to take out their enemies they take out the watchmen first so that there will be no one to sound the alarm and the people within will then be taken by surprise. Be prepared to be a target for the demonic if you take it upon yourself to pray.
Pattie and I had to pray for peace between each other ... we had to pray for peace among the team members .... we prayed for peace at Chambrun and for Haiti and for our homeland. Despite oppressive heat God put joy in our hearts. Much friction was avoided and work progressed. By God's grace our team was able to accomplish everything we were asked to do and we remained friends. God understands that we are but dust and cared for and shepherded us in a strange land.
But the spiritual attack was real. Negative thoughts and attitudes come up in the mind against one another. Many of these thought are whispered into the ear by the tempter and are often outright lies. Small frustrations and misunderstandings can be aggravated. It is Satan's delight to take a cut and turn it into a gaping ulcer. The temptations is there to think hard thoughts against your brother or sister. Resentment stirs and you are not wishing them well .... you may even complain against them to God or others ... this is the beginning of cursing your brother. Have none of it. And if you see your brother has something against you pray for God to relieve their mind ... if sharp words are spoken it may be that apologies are necessary .... I was not aware that this was the case during our time in Haiti. I believe the prayers that went up kept us from any serious disagreement and from being unproductive.
Be a partner with God ... bless those whom he has blessed and do not curse. Fear God and guard your thoughts. The measure you use will be measured back to you. After all this blessing God has had me about I'm finding he is blessing me abundantly. I do not wish to move outside of that blessing.

Naked As We Came

Saturday, August 7, 2010

When Two Became One

Well I'm a day late and perhaps a dollar short having just been in Haiti but my sentiments are genuine. Happy Anniversary Caelen and Samantha. Together you are the mission team. Reaching out to the down and out, speaking the truth and trying to walk the talk. Samantha quick with your tongue and ready to tell it like it is .... Caelen coming alongside and spending time with folks. God brought you together for this but also for your joy and pleasure. Two childhood friends grown up to marry and have children together. Yours is a true partnership .... your shared interest in the arts and evangelism keeps you working together with ever renewed energy.
May you remain in the vine that you continue to bear much fruit. May you see your children's children and peace upon Israel. May you look back on your life and know that it was a good one. May you look forward to the joy of entering heaven and hearing the Master say; "Well done, my good and faithful servants."


I actually had two prayers (lapriye') before I left for Haiti. One was to find Paloma and adopt her as our daughter. The other was to find a woman who I could help in a business. So here you see my two answers.
On the left is Samura Maere Paloma. She is six years old and an orphan at the Chambrun Orphanage. I do not have any other details but I got to spend some time with her and I'm thinking she knows what is afoot. I do believe that she wants to come live with us as soon as possible but for now we have to pray for God to keep her until we can get all the funds and legalities in order. I had taken a small photo album with pictures of our family ... Dave and I, the lads with their wives ... grandchildren, grandparents and even the pups. I left it with the caretaker at the orphanage to give to Samura when she saw fit.
On the right you see Ismae'lle. I was looking for a woman and God sent me a little girl. Ismae'lle' has a family or I would be sore tempted to bring her home too. I did ask Pastor Gary and her teacher if I could take her aside to show her some knitting but the Pastor thought it best if "someone" would teach a group of the girls some of these skills. I volunteered but only on the condition that there was not a Haitian woman who might make some money by doing the teaching herself. Pastor Gary was quite sure that there was no one else qualified so I am going back to Haiti.
Actually I did teach a group of inner city girls (about 6-7 years ago) some hand crafts and home skills along with biblical lessons in inner and outer beauty. The program was through All Nations Church (a multi cultural fellowship in the PCA) The idea was based on the early American Hope Chest. Every skill a young woman mastered would be placed into the hope chest. When the chest was complete she was ready for marriage. In this class we covered such topics as modesty, chastity, and the fruits of the Spirit. This idea went over well with the leadership of Chambrun. In Haiti there are many challenges to Christian family life so biblical instruction for the young is very welcome.
I would like to thank all of you who sent in support for my trip to Haiti. You truly were my partners in sending me there and in everything the Lord did. I will be sharing more information about the trip for our mutual encouragement and to the glory of God.
Meanwhile, I plan to save up and return to Haiti next summer for the Hope Chest Project. We have already begun the adoption process. Haiti Manje' (Haiti is my family now). If you would wish to partner with me in the future that is more than welcome but I truly appreciate what you have already done for me.