Friday, July 23, 2010

Suffer The Little Children ...

So this is the little bed that is waiting if I find Maere (Mary) Paloma. I understand that orphaned children are being handed to American workers with request that they give them a better life. Of course everything would have to go through legal channels which I understand is very expensive. God will have to work that out .... but David and I have agreed that we will take a child if we can.
Thanks to all my FB friends who are making last minute contributions for my trip to Haiti. Thank you to those who have already donated. I leave Monday, July 26 at 1 AM for JFK airport.
So today I've been running last minute errands for my trip to Haiti. Wrapped up sales in my office. Went to the pharmacy for 4 oz. plastic bottles. We have to wash our clothes by hand. Picked up some DEET bug spray. Apparently Haitian mosquitoes are impervious to the organic repellent. Start malaria meds tomorrow.
We are staying in a guest house. I understand that the 20 women will be bunking in the same room. The women have air conditioning the men have the terrace and mosquito netting. We have bathrooms .... 2 ... and the guys will have to share with the women since they number only 3. I've packed a few comforts; coffee, creamer, ... my pillow.
We are taking a good many meds, shoes, and toiletries as has been requested by our host. Most of our personnel are medical. I'll be working with the kids .... my verse for this trip; "Jesus took the little children into his arms and blessed them." I will return August 6.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

To Love & Be Loved

So, Happy Birthday, Amanda (Jill) Easton Bird, Thank you for the love you have for my son and grand children. Amanda means "to love" or "to be loved" ... and you are ... loved by God ... family ... friends. Dear girl, I have often admired your God given intelligence, efficiency, decisiveness, and fun personality which shines all the more beautifully to me as you defer to your husband. You never compete .... you ever compliment Josh and those around you. Beneath the laughter and the jokes you have a serious heart for God and his kingdom. I believe that God appointed you to bring out the best in your husband and children.
I did look up Jill and was referred to Jillian or Gillian which then referred me to Juliana then back to Julia and finally Julius which means "downy" or "hairy" ... since Julius Ceasar was bald I think we can dismiss that interpretation .... but it is a pretty name.
If I were to give you a biblical name I would share with you the name Ruth because you have a tender and romantic heart. May God bless you as you have blessed others. May he give you the desires of your heart. May he continue to entrust you to his service and may you serve as one esteemed ... with all humility.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hey Hey Whadiya Say!?!

Common sense otherwise known in the scriptures as "wisdom", and Proverbs being the book about it, is not an end all for making decisions. If a disagreement arises between believers it can be taken to the leaders of the church for a ruling .... we are not given the option of taking a brother to any other court to judge the matters of faith. The elders then put their heads together for a ruling or judgement. We are called to abide by that ruling .... unless .... it counters something God has done and is doing. For it is the wisdom of this world that God has overthrown with the foolishness of the cross.
Because of the cross God has taken the foolish things of this world and used them to shame the wise. It is God who over rules past failures and wrong turns and "Behold" does a good and new thing. It is what he does. You and I may not feel ready for that new thing. Common sense says it's not practical and cannot succeed. After all we have failed in the past. But if God has made a way for us we must believe that we are or will be ready for that course of action. We are ready because this time we are looking to him for the outcome.
How often did the ministry of Christ set common sense on it's head .... "Throw your net there.... but master, we have been fishing all night.".... "Why do you a Jew and a rabbi speak to me a Samaritan woman?" .... "Go sell all you have, give it to the poor and follow me." But how do we know that God has called a body to really do something out of the ordinary or if they are simply chasing fantasies or making excuses for a personal agenda.
Now personally I'd prefer to avoid controversy all together with the silent approach ... "and she (Mary) treasured all these things up in her heart." But honestly it's not always possible to be left alone and anonymous while trying to mind your own business and not offend anyone. Site the woman healed of an issue of blood. She had to violate some Old Testament Law to get next to Jesus and get a healing. She tried to be discreet and Jesus wouldn't let her ... to the glory of God. Jesus made her testify. Who was going to fine her at that point?
When someone has defied common sense, "wisdom" or the way we've always done things, even the moral law, how in the world can we say that God told them too. Check this out .... Mt Carmel and the prophets of Baal are going up against God's true prophet Elijah. Here is the test .... If Baal is god then let fire fall from heaven to burn up the sacrifice .... if Jehovah is God then let fire fall from heaven to burn up this sacrifice that I have soaked in buckets of water .... hah! Baal did not show up but Jehovah showed up for Elijah with a fire that licked up the sacrifice , the stone altar and the water. So did God talk to Elijah? Hey, hey whadiya say? ... but then it was the pharisees that said Jesus cast out demons by the power of Beelzebub .... and so controversy continues and Elijah fled for his life.

Not Yer Business or A Rude Little Rhubarb

In the last post I referred to how we must deal gently with a weaker brother. This is not to say that a weaker brother can look through our trash or come to our home and hunt for things that might be offensive to them ... that's just meddlin'. "Is that a beer bottle in your reycycle bin? .... or is that a glass pickle jar in your trash?!?" We are taught to be sensitive to a weaker brother but we are also warned that the weak are not to bind the conscience or freedom of others.
It is also possible that someone is "offended" that we are doing our job because they are actually "jealous" and wants us out of the way. Or maybe they wish to guilt us out of something that belongs to us. This is not a matter of we should be charitable and give evary sad little person what they want. This is just wayward behavior. Don't back down and don't back them up. If God has given you stewardship over something you cannot in good conscience give it up just because someone else wants it. Recall Naboth's Vineyard.
I once sat on a pulpit committee where it was agreed that our decision would be unanimous before we called the next pastor. About a dozen candidates later we had to amend our rule to majority vote because one woman alone had voted negative on all candidates. This is what we will come down to if we raise the weaker brother to a place where they can call the shots for everyone. Really, there is something we call common sense. But if were're lacking we can pray.
So there is a balance that has to be struck here. The Scriptures call it "faith expressing itself in love." In other words we serve God in faith. But we are called to different tasks. Do not judge another man's servant. "John the Baptist came neither eating nor drinking and they said, 'He has a demon .... the Christ came both eating and drinking and they said, 'He is a drunkard and a glutton." John the Baptist and Christ were called to different types of service and those who criticised were wrong on all counts. "So whatever you do, whether eating or drinking ... or not ... do it all to the glory of God and love your brother as yourself." And mind your own business.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Going To War

In previous posts I've blogged about reserving the chastity of your soul for your Creator. While Satan was defeated at the cross he continues to make every effort to hold his ground. I dare say every Christian has areas of weakness that Satan wants to play upon. These areas are strongholds of demonic insurgence. We cannot be unaware of what is going on here. To be uninformed is to be unarmed.
This is how it works; We have an area of weakness .... most likely a moral issue (check the Ten Commandments). We could site an adoration of the creation ... lust, hatred, arrogance or discontent to name a few.
So lets talk about a common problem like over eating. We are not so concerned about over eating until we check the numbers on the scale or the fact that our clothes don't fit so well or that we are feeling less then attractive. We know that the solution is probably diet and exercise and so we give it the old college try with little to no success. The thought of dieting or exercising more is overwhelmingly depressing. We feel ill. In fact some days we feel ravenously hungry or dull and muzzy headed ..... we end up snacking to perk ourselves up ..... the blues or depression can make you hungry ..... acute grief or illness will probably work the other way. Somehow we think there must be some way to be at a healthy weight without being sick first.
Now I have prayed about this and here is what I have discovered. Feeling under the weather is a devise that Satan uses to frustrate my efforts. When we do not feel well we tend to self medicate. This is innocent enough unless you are trying to lose weight. Call it an evil spirit or bad energy .... Satan and the demonic are the realm of sin, illness and disease. They wish to appear benign but they want to keep you blind, frustrated, upset, and guilty. They want to put a wedge between you and God and they want you as a Christian to look like a fool before the world.
You may allow this to happen or you can go to war. If evil spirits bring guilt, depression, anxiety, stress, addiction, illness and disease our weapons of war include the truth found in God's word, faith, prayer and the fruits of the Spirit. Step one, repent. This is God's word .... believe it and start praying. Even unintentional sin is a violation of the law. You have an insurgence of the enemy in your life ... a stronghold that has been established. You have allowed this to happen. Perhaps unintentionally ... you simply didn't know and Satan had you fooled and tied up tight before you realised.
I have an acquaintance who violated the law unintentionally. He was not given hard time but he spent two years on a work farm. In the Old Testament even unintentional sins or sins of ignorance required a sacrifice. When the law is broken restitution must be made. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. But it is taken into consideration when consequences are meted out. Willful and premeditated infractions are more heinous and do require stiffer penalties but the grace of God is available to all who repent. There is not help for you until you repent.
Repentance involves a turning from sin. We reject the sinful thought or deed with it's demonic connections and we ask for the Holy Spirit. With the Holy Spirit comes the fruits of the Spirit that replace the fruits of evil. "But the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness, and self control .... against these things there is no law." At this point you may experience a brief altercation or even a lengthy struggle. Satan has made inroads into your life and he does not want to give up ground. You may even experience physical pain. Or little, seemingly benign temptations .... the camels nose. Jesus said, "If your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. Better to enter life maimed then to enter hell all in one piece." Jesus was trying to impress on us the gravity of sin and temptation.
God's creation is good but if something has become a temptation for you don't flirt with it, get it out of the house! And be sensitive to others. Do not take advantage of your brothers weakness. Jesus also said, "it would be better for you to have a millstone tied around your neck and be dropped into the sea then to cause one of these little ones to stumble." Do not be guilty of setting a temptation or stumbling block before a weaker brother. Allow God to Shepherd you in these matters.
I dare say everyone is struggling with something. Being aware of your area of need will help you avoid tunnel vision or seeing only someone else's problem. "First take the log out of your own eye and then you will see clearly to take the splinter out of your brother's eye." Look at what the bible says to you about how you should interact with that family member, friend, enemy or coworker. Most likely this will be helpful because your natural instincts will be quite different. Be in prayer for yourself and them. Wish them ill and the measure you use will come back on you ... that's a promise.
Finally worship. Satan is unlikely to be able to keep a stronghold in your life if you are praising, adoring and rejoicing in your God. Maintain the joy of your salvation. "Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sin is covered!" This will bring you cheer and improved health and will overthrow a foul mood are physical complaint. However, God may allow you continued struggle or to be oppressed in an area of your life. He does not always remove a difficult circumstance or an area of weakness or temptation. This is training in humility and all about the glory and prerogatives of God. If it were all so easy we would be glib towards the struggles of others.
The Apostle Paul experienced this with his "thorn in the flesh" ... three times he asked for God to give him relief from "this messenger of Satan." But God's answer to him was, "my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness." and so St. Paul opted to rejoice in his sufferings and weakness because his area of insufficiency became Gods strength in and through him and God accomplishes even more through us because it is plane to see that his arm has done what we could not do. As Paul was weak his detractors were amazed and even jealous at his results .... those more well meaning reached out to help him and found themselves helped because they opened up to Paul and his message .... Paul's weakness kept him humble and dependent on God day by day .... those who tried to thwart his message found it irrepressable even from prison cells ... the lie of self sufficiency was not a temptation for Paul because of his thorn in the flesh ... he knew that apart from God he could do nothing and this knowledge gave him a reliance on the God who moves mountains. This is a God who uses the weak. This God is our God....and we are at war.

Love Divine

Love Divine, all love excelling,
Joy of heav'n to earth come down:
Fix in us they humble dwelling,
All thy faithful mercies crown:
Jesus, though art all compassion,
Pure unbounded love thou art;
Visit us with thy salvation,
Enter ev'ry trembling heart.
Breathe O breathe thy loving Spirit
Into ev'ry troubled breast;
Let us all in thee inherit,
Let us find the promised rest:
Take away the love of sinning;
Alpha and Omega be;
End of faith, as its Beginning,
Set our hearts at liberty.
Come, Almighty to deliver,
Let us all thy life receive;
Suddenly return, and never,
Never more thy temple leave.
Thee we would be always blessing,
Serve thee as thy hosts above,
Pray, and praise thee, without ceasing,
Glory in they perfect love.
Finish, then, thy new creation;
Pure and spotless let us be:
Let us see thy great salvation
Perfectly restored in thee;
Changed from glory into glory,
Till in heav'n we take our place,
Till we cast our crowns before thee,
Lost in wonder, love and praise. Amen.
~George F. LeJeune, 1887, #460 Trinity Hymnal

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Music Of The Spheres

Praise to God immortal praise,
For the love that crowns our days:
Bounteous source of every joy,
Let thy praise our tongues employ.
Flocks that whiten all the plain,
Yellow sheaves of ripened grain,
Clouds that drop their fat-t'ning dews,
Suns that temperate warmth diffuse;
All that spring with bounteous hand
Scatters o'er the smiling land;
All that liberal autumn pours
From her rich o'er-flowing stores;
These to thee, my God, we owe,
Source whence all our blessings flow;
And for these my soul shall raise
Grateful vows and solemn praise.
Sing we to our God above
Praise eternal as his love;
Praise him, all ye heavenly host,
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
~Charles Wesley, 1772, #112 Trinity Hymnal
I came across this lovely little sonnet/hymn this morning. I do not know the tune but the words are pretty. Lately my taste in sacred music has run towards the hymns of my childhood .... the ones I remember my grandparents singing .... Billy Graham Crusades .... Tennessee Ernie Ford ... George Beverly Shea .... Johnny Cash. Songs like On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand .... Break Thou The Bread Of Life .... Children Of The Heavenly Father .... here is another;
Evening Praise
Day is dying in the west;
Heav'n is touching earth with rest;
Wait and worship while the night
Sets her evening lamps alight
Through all the sky.
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts!
Heav'n and earth are full of thee!
Heav'n and earth are praising thee, O Lord Most High.
While the deep'ning shadows fall,
Light of light, on whom we call
Through the glory and the grace
Of the stars that veil thy face,
Our hearts ascend.
Holy, Holy, Holy ...
And when fading from our sight
Pass the stars, the day, the night,
Lord of Glory, on our eyes
Let eternal morning rise,
And shadows end.
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts!
Heav'n and earth are full of thee!
Heav'n and earth are praising thee,
O Lord Most High. Amen.
~William F. Sherwin, 1877, #343 Trinity Hymnal
These selections are taken from unrevised Trinity Hymnal. I do not own the updated copy .... I wish I did. I think it is truly the best hymnal I have run across. I sometimes buy old copies of hymn books .... Baptist, Methodist .... they carry many of the same hymns. I know our revised Trinity Hymnal carries hymns and arrangements written in more recent year while retaining the old favorites. My Aunt Susan is a vocalist and worked on the revised copy. She could tell you more. It is the one you find in most pews in Presbyterian churches. Besides pew Bibles (usually the New International Version) you will sometimes find Psalters. The problems with psalters, according to my mother, is that they steal familiar hymn tunes and if you forget where you are you start singing the original hymn.
As for other types of music ... I like Big Band, Opera, the cello, Pop .... I generally like a good bit of what my kids listen too but I have a growing nostalgia for the old love songs ... Smoke Gets In Your Eyes ... Strangers In The Night ... Blue Moon ... The Look Of Love ... I need to go looking for some Ray Conniff Singers, Windjammer, Tijuana Brass ..... I like Willie Nelson too, Georgia, and I've favored Carol King since I was in high school ... Norah Jones more recently ... am not fond of heavy metal or rap.
I must add that I had the most wonderful recordings in my childhood. Burl Ives singing children's tunes and telling fairy tales .... original Disney sound tracks; Mary Poppins, Snow White .... Peter Rabbit and Squirrel Nutkin (with tunes) .... An enthralling children's Bible story series with sound effects ... like the old radio programs, David and Goliath, The Good Samaritan. I wish so much I had had updated recordings for my children and grand children. I played those records over and over on my little plastic turntable. My sister still has them .... as it was my children listened to tapes of Raffi, Narnia and Adventures in Odyssey. And we had Disney on videos. But the other day I did find some recordings of Burl Ives ... I was so excited.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Cyndi and her son Michael spent the weekend with us. Cyndi is one of those reconnects from facebook. We went to school together many years ago as little girls. She has two sons, Allen & Michael and she brought her youngest son, Michael with her. Michael is a skateboarder and had a rather serious injury while here that required emergency room attention. Lets just say he will be drinking from a straw for the next few weeks. Otherwise we had a lovely time and our guests left late Tuesday morning to return to Massachusetts where Cyndi is a school teacher and an organist in the Anglican Church.

Friday, July 9, 2010

So Who Is Giselle

I was three months pregnant and had just started to feel strong again after much morning sickness, which was common for my pregnancies. I ran errands all that day, catching up until near exhausted. I started having contractions on and off that evening. My doctor prescribed bed rest and my mother took Josh who was only three. The following morning the contractions became stronger until I felt a slither down the birth canal and held a small still form in the palm of my hand. She was perfect. Ten fingers, ten toes. Her eyes shut in everlasting sleep. She even looked a little like Josh. I had a minute of hysterical grief which I stifled quickly as Josh and my mother walked in the front door. Soberly we packed up to go to the doctor. My baby went into a Ziploc bag.
In the exam room a nurse briskly handed me a paper gown and told me I just needed to change my plans and refocus. I had had all of one minute to grieve. The doctor came in and reported a separation of the placenta from my uterine wall. He confirmed that the child was a girl. I asked what he would do with the body. He didn't answer directly, just informed me that you don't have funerals for miscarriages. I didn't really expect that but somehow I couldn't see her little body going out with the medical trash. I remember weeping quietly on a gurney waiting for surgery to scrape my empty womb. I felt the love and comfort of God .... a Christian nurse came over to comfort me as well. I asked them to put me out.
A few hours after waking from surgery I went home and cried some more. It was the most difficult thing that had happened to me up until that point in my life. I was 22. I named my baby girl Ingrid Giselle ... I only know of two women named Ingrid ... both beautiful and elegant ... one a movie star. Ingrid is Scandinavian and means "Ing's ride". Giselle is French and means "covenant". It refers to the covenant promise that Presbyterians are so fond of ..... and God said, "I will be a God to you and to your children after you." I never had a chance to put little Giselle on my lap and explain the love of Jesus but I do believe that God took her everlasting soul to heaven and one day I will see her again. Six months later, on Giselle's due date, I conceived Jesse.
Previous to this event I did believe that a problem free life was a sign of God' favor. Afterwards I thought God was probably punishing me for this conceit. Perhaps. Sometimes it is difficult to finger a sole cause for your own loss, let alone someone elses. What I do know is that miscarriage is apart of the curse like so many ills in our fallen world. And I do not believe that God protects us from all sadness. Quite the contrary. He lets us experience grief and pain so that we may comfort others with the comfort we have received. I know how to comfort a woman who has miscarried and I know God loves me.
This past year, Gabrielle told me that she and Jesse were considering naming a daughter Giselle.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

God's Grace In A Son Of My Right Arm

Hey Ensign Jesse Benjamin, Happy Birthday today. I have no pictures of you on this blog because I started it after you graduated boot camp and joined the Navy. Haven't seen you since! But I hear your plans are to be home with us for Christmas. We promise to keep all the Bird family traditions.
So here is what I have to say; I have always been impressed with your attitude towards finances. You know how to abase and how to abound. You have a healthy respect for money and can make sacrifices with out a quibble but you are not scroogie either. It seems that most of your disappointments have come to you in the area of career plans. A couple of doors to the Marines and the Police Force shut in your face before the Navy opened up. You and Gabs are where God wants you to be. You are a leader and will be a comfort to those you serve with. You are like Nathanel, a man in whom there is nothing false. You are quick to hear, consider and slow to speak. From the time you were a child you have known that you replaced your sister Giselle. She is with the Lord, happy and blessed. And while you remain, those you know will be happy and blessed for this.
I have wonderful memories of your childhood. You were always more given to action then speech. Generally a beautiful and contented child. You have always brought me joy and I am blessed to have you in my life. You have been a light for me and others I'm sure. May your receive back a full measure of all the joy you give.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fourth of July, Church, Weekend, Garden, Wedding, Celebration

We were married in July 3, 1976. It is thirty four years today. My dress was made of kettle cloth by my mother and cost all of $15. My veil was a piece of antique lace belonging to a my great grandmother. David bought a new suit. We held the ceremony in my parents back yard.
It was a beautiful balmy day, birds chirping. My aunts and uncles provided the music; two guitars, a couple of recorders and my uncle on the harmonica. The music was beautiful in the open air. It was mostly hymns; The bridal entrance to, Tis A Gift To Be Simple, then Psalm 100, Blest The Man Tha Fears Jehovah, my aunt, Deborah Kropp sang the Nicene Creed ... David's father read scripture (Phil 2), my dad performed the ceremony ... my sister Melissa was maid of honor and sister in law Ruth bridesmaid ... Dave's brother Steve was the best man. A friend played a Bach trumpet volley for the recessional.
Guests sat in folding chairs on the lawn. A friend donated flowers that she had arranged. Another friend gave us a wedding cake she had made. Ladies of the church prepared the food. Virginia ham, biscuits, potato salad, jello. Old Andy Smith, now with the Lord, cranked home made ice cream. It was a Fourth of July, church, weekend, garden, wedding celebration. The final cost to my parents was $2,000.
Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender merices; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's. Psalm 103