Common sense otherwise known in the scriptures as "wisdom", and Proverbs being the book about it, is not an end all for making decisions. If a disagreement arises between believers it can be taken to the leaders of the church for a ruling .... we are not given the option of taking a brother to any other court to judge the matters of faith. The elders then put their heads together for a ruling or judgement. We are called to abide by that ruling .... unless .... it counters something God has done and is doing. For it is the wisdom of this world that God has overthrown with the foolishness of the cross.
Because of the cross God has taken the foolish things of this world and used them to shame the wise. It is God who over rules past failures and wrong turns and "Behold" does a good and new thing. It is what he does. You and I may not feel ready for that new thing. Common sense says it's not practical and cannot succeed. After all we have failed in the past. But if God has made a way for us we must believe that we are or will be ready for that course of action. We are ready because this time we are looking to him for the outcome.
How often did the ministry of Christ set common sense on it's head .... "Throw your net there.... but master, we have been fishing all night.".... "Why do you a Jew and a rabbi speak to me a Samaritan woman?" .... "Go sell all you have, give it to the poor and follow me." But how do we know that God has called a body to really do something out of the ordinary or if they are simply chasing fantasies or making excuses for a personal agenda.
Now personally I'd prefer to avoid controversy all together with the silent approach ... "and she (Mary) treasured all these things up in her heart." But honestly it's not always possible to be left alone and anonymous while trying to mind your own business and not offend anyone. Site the woman healed of an issue of blood. She had to violate some Old Testament Law to get next to Jesus and get a healing. She tried to be discreet and Jesus wouldn't let her ... to the glory of God. Jesus made her testify. Who was going to fine her at that point?
When someone has defied common sense, "wisdom" or the way we've always done things, even the moral law, how in the world can we say that God told them too. Check this out .... Mt Carmel and the prophets of Baal are going up against God's true prophet Elijah. Here is the test .... If Baal is god then let fire fall from heaven to burn up the sacrifice .... if Jehovah is God then let fire fall from heaven to burn up this sacrifice that I have soaked in buckets of water .... hah! Baal did not show up but Jehovah showed up for Elijah with a fire that licked up the sacrifice , the stone altar and the water. So did God talk to Elijah? Hey, hey whadiya say? ... but then it was the pharisees that said Jesus cast out demons by the power of Beelzebub .... and so controversy continues and Elijah fled for his life.
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