Friday, September 24, 2010

In Not Of

Like my poetry, blogging helps me sort things out. And I go back and read my own stuff because I forget ... I rarely change much once I've finished posting except for the occasional typo or grammatical error .... which I'm sure there are plenty .... One of my common errors is to switch "there" and "their" .... of course the spell check does not catch that one. It's a lot like reading music and trying to hit all the notes right. I have to proof read and tweak .... make sure the information is accurate and that my intentions are not misunderstood.
Besides writing I am in the minority of folk that likes public speaking. My eyes kind of light up when someone hands me a microphone all though I generally don't initiate these occasions. Everyone likes a good listener and listening is important. But if I do get a microphone you will listen because I will make you listen and because you will sense the urgency of what I have to tell you and I will compel your interest.
There (or is that "their"... Hah!) so you have learned a little bit more about me. If I were to go on it would be self indulgent. In previous posts I have identified myself as a saint and a sinner. Just as I do not spend my time in foolish boasting I do not spend it in dishing up the dirt on wayward youth. These things have been repented of and God only sees me as his own dear child. I am forgiven, older and wiser yet still a sinner. Being honest about yourself does not mean that you have to walk around naked to please the perverse curiosity of strangers. I try to deal kindly with others so that I may treat myself with equal kindness. By all means make amends where ever you can but do not sit woefully in your pig pen .... lift your head and square your shoulders. You are the apple of his eye.
As his dear children, who have not yet finished our race and entered into glory, we are still the object of Satan's great hatred. We will find ourselves battling against the world the flesh and the devil. Against such constant pressures we may stumble forward and sometimes backwards. There is no temptation that has seized you which is not common to man. If we fall back it is likely that it will only increase our desire for holiness .... sin and it's consequences are much like drinking sour milk ... we want to spit it out. And sin takes it's toll on the body. But to live this holy, healthy life ... to be in this (sinful) world but not of it, we need armour ... we need protection and God knows this and has no intention that we be like naked babes exposed to the elements. He surrounds and clothes us with his presence. I will not leave you as orphans ..... never will I leave you, never will I forsake you .... my mother and father may forsake me but the Lord will receive me.
In a previous post I spoke of a desire for kingdom come. Kingdom comes first to men's hearts but it doesn't stop there. It flows outward like a glorious river .... oh the deep deep love of Jesus that refreshes all the land. We are working towards kingdom come. So for now we are in the world but we are not of this world .... we are of the kingdom, subjecting every thought to Christ ... asking for and receiving the mind of Christ ... asking and receiving the fruits of the Spirit. Making a wholesome difference in this world. Ushering in the kingdom.
Such lofty ideals. Yet here we are with our feet on the ground or in the mud rubbing shoulders with obnoxious people. We are in community but sometimes we think we would be holier sitting on a mountain top somewhere with God 24/7. And we need those times alone with him to get our heads on straight but then we have to come down off the mountain and live with the real people who have the real problems. And attitudes are contagious. It's like someone with the flu sneezing on you and now you are sick too. Foolish behavior draws derision .... hatred butts up against hatred ,... and seduction precedes immorality. There are spiritual forces at work in choreographed attack formations trying to take you out. Not that we should fear but that we would be armed with a little knowledge and preparation.
If a Christian person contagious with the wrong sort of attitude advances on you, you have every right to move away from them. It is a rebuke to them to get their house in order so that they may live in Christian community. Details on this instruction is found in scripture along with the charge to pray for one another. This teaching does not apply to unbelievers. It is problematic for a believer to enter into partnership with unbelievers in marriage or even business since their values clash and a believer may be forced to compromise. While there is a special bond that we celebrate in the family of God, every man is our neighbor to love as we love ourselves. And we love with the love of the Lord.
But in this world Satan holds sway. Understanding his devices gives you a heads up and helps you check thoughts and attitudes at the door. You do not have to own or feel guilty about every thought that comes into your head. We are tempted and tried at every turn and temptation is no sin. If you yield to temptation in agreement of thought or actions then you have sinned. If Satan cannot get you to agree with him he will find other ways to provoke you. This attack may come through a relationship or a physical infirmity. Curb the angry and stressed response and begin to praise and thank the Father. Let God arise and his enemies be scattered! Your peace will increase and frustrations will subside, kingdom comes, the Spirit surrounds you, you own the atmosphere of heaven, Zion stands and ... Satan retreats. You will walk from glory unto glory. Further out and further in to joy.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Young Man

When I was a young child I was inspired to write a War of the Worlds Sci Fi script. I think the only deviation from the rather well known plot is that the aliens were giant killer crabs. So I dug out my little black and white composition book .... the one you buy at the Acme, and scribbled out my story. I was, however, somewhat stymied for an ending. How would good triumph over evil and how do you kill a giant killer crab? My auntie happened to be in the seat next to me so I asked her ..... "How do you kill crabs?" ... "Well I guess you drop them in boiling water." she replied. The wind quickly went out of my sales .... it seemed a rather lame ending for my story. Giant killer crabs are obviously too big for stock pots and running around dousing them with boiling water somehow fell short of a dramatic conclusion. I laid my story aside.
Another dream bites the dust. We start out really inspired and then end on a note of disappointment. We lay the dream aside. But it doesn't have to be that way. I don't know about you but I pray a lot. I figure that I need all the help I can get. But I don't always win .... I don't always succeed .... and I sometimes fail. When I fail or fall short of genius I tend to quibble a bit with God ..... "Did I not ask you to help me with this?" .... "Why did you put me in this situation when you knew it was over my head!?!" .... "Why did you make me like this?" .... "Why did you let this happen to me?"
I quibble because my initial response is to feel that God .... who claims to be my friend .... has somehow betrayed me. I feel stung .... "thought me and God were partners!" It is a response I am learning to check. Because I can ask him, "Why?" ..... and if I listen he gives me the most beautiful reasons and in the end all I can do is fall down in gratitude and praise. Dear reader, I do not know your situation ..... but could it be that "if I never had a problem I would not know that God could solve them".... or that my sins and disapointments have brought me to my knees in humility and with a renewed compassion for the struggles of others ... or that it was necessary for me to know that I am a very great sinner so that I may know that Christ is a very great Savior?
And what of our griefs? I tell you the truth, there is nothing that God has taken away from one of his children or asked them to give up that he will not replace with the better or give back to them many times over. This I know. It is a promise. It is scripture. Be comforted.
So, dear reader, like all the rest you have failed. You may be at the place where you believe some kind of change is in order. Here I can repeat the gospel message to you of the sacrifice of Christ and the forgiveness of sins, and this is our foundation. But we still have a problem in our flesh .... our soul is willing .... our flesh is weak and compromised. We have a dream but we do not see how it can be realized. Our body is not evil but it can be in bondage .... keeping us from doing the things we want to do. All solutions seem rather lame and we fall short of glory. We are ready to drop out of the race. The Apostle Paul owned this very problem .... we are in good company. But only because Paul recognized this problem as something he did not want .... he wanted a cure and he persevered in God's grace and never laid his dream aside.
We all want a cure. When people start recognizing that we have a problem because our actions reflect more of the drunkard then of a man getting the job done (Pro. 31: 1-9) ... we want a cure. God is the answer to our flesh as well as to our soul, mind, and emotions. "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy and you are that temple." (1 Cor. 3:16) .... in other Scriptures we are told that this temple was not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord. Sexual immorality is idolatry like any addiction. The abomination that causes desolation has entered the temple. Lust sits on the throne of God which is our heart.... this is why we cannot walk the line. Yet we may repent and ask for the Spirit and an undivided heart. Yes it hurts. But for the joy set before us we can endure. Freedom waits. Let God do his work in us. Our perfection will consumate in glory. The alternative is destruction.
Mihereta Yesus I*
When your feet in wayward walking
pleasure seeker, boastful talking.
Did God's face seem cold and stern,
an angry fire, judgment burn?
Causing love lost thirsty search,
drain the cup but never quench.
When you turn in desperation
listen for the voice that calls
for the sinner, celebration,
when he on the mercy falls.
You are chosen as a son.
Swiftly in obedience run,
For the wind is at your back
Power pulls you down the track.
Losing self, gainful action,
You have found your satisfaction.
~Melanie Bird
Then the fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice, --
When the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried,
"The Lord - he is God! The Lord - he is God!" ...
And Elijah said to Ahab, "Go, eat and drink for there is the sound of a
heavy rain." ... Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel,
bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees ...
Meanwhile, the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rain
came on and Ahab rode off to Jezreel. The power of the Lord came
upon Elijah and, tucking his cloak into his belt, he ran ahead of Ahab
all the way to Jezreel. (I Kings 18: 16-45)
I will bless you O Lord!.. I will bless you O Lord! For you have made man. In your own image you have made man. A little lower then the angels you have made man. When we look at his brow we see that you have crowned him with glory .... his shoulders with strength .... he has the arms for protection and hands meant to work, provide and love.God crown him with your love and mercy. Uphold him when he is weak and tired. Lead him in the way he is to go. Let him love your law. Forgive him when he falls. Comfort him when he feels ashamed. Establish the work of his hands, yes establish the work of his hands.
Construction Zone
(Written during the Construction of the New High School)
Spring 2005
The columns and beams bolted together, the ironwork for the new school,
Formed three grey crosses as you looked at it from
The window of the old school dispensation.
At the top of one column, an iron worker perched,
Lining up the beams to support
The weight of white in coming winters.
Suddenly, a rusted bulldozer belching smoke
Hit a footer, and with an angry growl
Knocked the sturdy column.
The worker felt the jolt
Grabbed the rugged column at the cross
While the whole structure shuddered.
He froze in fear.
Envisioning falling free,
His fardels following.
Then he laughed,
Yelled an imprecation
At the beast below.
12 o'clock.
Hanging his bag of bolts
On a spike in arms reach,
He came down
singing to his rest.
~David Bird

*Mihereta Yesus is Ethiopian for The Compassion of Jesus. It was the name of the mission hospital where my mother and father-in-law Herbert & Mary Bird served as missionaries.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

O Love That Will Not Let Me Go

Okay, I did it. I defined my views on sex and marriage as being one man, one woman. Heretofore I have avoided this topic because I think that practicing homosexuals have become a scape goat in the Evangelical Christian Community. Like the woman caught in adultery there are folks pointing fingers and picking up rocks, ready to accuse those who have come out of the closet while they remain in there own.
What I mean by that is, that I have had enough perversity and down right evil in my own thoughts, in my own lifetime, to realize that I live in a glass house and should not be pitching stones. And we have the rising divorce rate to prove all is not well in the Christian Community. Is there pedophilia behind the desire for the ever younger? Can you be married to the same person for 30 years and be thinking about someone else? So you stayed married .... you still got a problem. There is room at the cross for you, Christian brothers and sisters.
I would wish to be among the humble and the contrite. Under the umbrella of God's grace where I can site the words of Jesus; "Has no one condemned you? ... 'No one.' she said. ... 'Then neither do I condemn you ... Go and sin no more.'"
"Go and sin no more?" How? I will not profess to have all the answers but I do know what God has done for me. I once asked God to help me to love him with an undivided heart. I will not lie. It hurt. Everything I have ever set my heart upon has broken it. Broken and bleeding I was finally able to rest in the love that will not let me go. But I still have scars. I'm still processing how to deeply love without the fear that I am slipping back into idolatry .... which I do since I haven't arrived. Loving makes me nervous because I've been broken so many times. But love is one of the fruits of the Spirit which means that God is the source of true love and that he can give it to us .... and perfect love drives out fear.

Lovers And Saints

My understanding of Christ as the Lover of my soul has landed me in trouble in the past. I try to treat the topic gently and without argument. Some cannot relate to the imagery. Perhaps being male is an inhibitor for some ... or abuse for others ... the existence of so much perversion .... the butt of obscene jokes .... the queer, the kinky. Sex has been so marred that we can scarce see it as it was intended. To understand the intent we need to ask the author and he would take us back to the beginning .... for much of what is now was not intended at the beginning.
For in the beginning he made them male and female .... one man and one woman charged with the duty to be fruitful and to multiply. The man was to love his wife and the woman was to respect her husband. That was the aphrodisiac .... love and respect. Could we imagine Romeo and Juliet taking a third into their marriage bed? Yet they did not live long enough to become bored, spiteful or arrogant in their union.
Yet even if they had lived a full life able to forsake all others they would have been in danger of sucking each other dry. In truth there is a third party that should be involved in their marriage. This third, the author of their union, is there to fill their spiritual need so that they do not drain each other but remain fresh. He is there to ensure the purity of that union for what God has joined together let not man separate. If God is not the third person in the marriage something and someone surely will be. Go back to the beginning and to the original intent. Then from that vantage point see Jesus Lover of the soul.
Does this offend you? Is it so funny? "My words are spirit .... the flesh counts for nothing." Yet there are many other metaphors in scripture ..... Father, brother, shepherd to name a few. Favor the one that speaks to you ... Father may not work for some. Again, because something has been lost in the translation or the original intent. Might I suggest that there is not a problem so much with the metaphor as with the perspective. Perhaps something needs to be healed and set right then the metaphor will no longer be a problem.

A Season Of Poetry

In the land of poetry, literature and art there is a language spoken. It is a language of metaphors. Oddly enough, one can usually tell if the author is male or female from the style. I have read books written where the main character was a man and the author a woman ... the woman speaking for a man came out a little soft ... and I have read books where the author was a man and the main character a woman .... the woman was some kind of juggernaut. It is the same in art. One can usually tell by the approach to the subject matter if the artist is male or female.
One can also tell what opinion the author or artist has to the subject matter by the subtle use of language or slight stroke of the brush. A man painting a woman may depict her as an ideal or as an object of hatred. In poetry an oddly used word or metaphor captures our attention and evokes thought and emotion. Try this on;
I have gone marking the atlas of your body
with crosses of fire
My mouth went across: a spider trying to hide.
In you, behind you, timid, driven by thirst.
What feeling do you get? Are there any literary allusions? Are there any metaphors? Is this written by a man or a woman? I have my opinion. Shall I tell?
Already I have the advantage because I know the author is Pablo Neruda. The metaphor that jumps at me is "spider" ... it is an unflattering way of speaking of himself .... he is a scittery little spider driven to be bold by his thirst that needs to suck his lover dry. I feel puzzled by the "crosses of fire" Makes me think of the KKK or maybe the crusades, conquest? Is she going to die or be some empty husk when he is done with her? The opening lines remind me of the animal kingdom and the male marking his territory ... so he is possessive too. This is my initial response. If I were to talk to Pablo or go to a literary class I might learn more.
There is a problem with metaphors .... they explain but also confuse. They are a poetic and beautiful tool .... that gives you a partial glimpse or picture of reality. You need to talk to the author or be instructed to understand. I have written some poetry and I can tell you about my poetry. It helps to know your bible .... folks who are familiar with scripture will recognize the allusions and may actually enjoy putting together the puzzle pieces of what my poem is about.
In The Widow's Offering I reflect on the sacrifice of Christ and how I am called to follow in his footsteps. I hesitate. I think that is the moment captured in the painting above ... that moment of hesitation .... "God are you serious? You want my two pennies?" The reference to the widow is the story of the woman who put all she had in the offering plate .... it was two pennies. Jesus said she had given more than all the rest because she had given out of her poverty. The poem ends with the hope of heaven and the restoration of all things. So why don't I just say that? Because then there would be one less poem. Here it is;''
The Widow's Offering
Last fall the pirate wind snatched
the leaves from the maple in the
yard, and in trampling triumph
danced a dirge upon the garden
path. My tree, bare branched
against a purple sky all glory
spent, is a silent testament.
I in my cap and coat protected
from the winds sharp tongue and
icy finger point, turn from the
blood trail. Reproached by all that
is mine in hearth and home,
purchased contentment not my
own but given, my coldness thaws
to prick my eyes and turn my step.
Though now the widow winter
weeps and earth bereaved lies
silent under shroud of snow. I
watch and wait for breath and
sprout of spring to crown the
thorny hedgerows of the way with
bursts of fragrant flowering, as
earth and sky have wedding day
and all that's lost returns again.
~Melanie Bird

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Had A Dream/ Prologue

Last night God asked me if I would give up this life for him. I hesitated thinking of the pain .... "I will be with you ... and staying will be harder" he said .... "Then yes" .... I felt the presence of angels bringing me to a place. I felt God's joy and welcome. I looked down at the city of Jerusalem. It glowed a soft golden light. It was in a valley surrounded by black hills. There was evil in the hills but it was not allowed to enter the city .... "Zion stands by hills surrounded" I thought.

Then I was given a new name, Ophelia Olivia Agnes .... I was told that my old name was something I had left behind in my past life and that I would not use it anymore. At this point I saw Jesus walking toward me holding a little girl by the hand. She was excited. She clapped her hands and ran toward me to hug me. It was Giselle. I looked up to see if my grandparents were there. They waved from a distance but were patiently waiting for my parents. I wanted to inquire after others but it was not for me to see. I felt the peace of Christ all around me. It was the atmosphere .... the people I saw laughed frequently and seemed care free.

Giselle and I talked. She said she had been waiting for me ... she remembered her life on earth ... that it was hot in my tummy and she was little. Things were better here. I asked Jesus what her name was ... he said Ingrid Giselle Ophelia .... she shares my new name. She looked up at me with awe and wonder. I asked him why she was the age of a child and Jesus told me that all infants that die grow to a certain age. She looked about 6. He also described her as artistic and musical. I told Giselle I was trying to adopt two little girls. She processed the information and then was excited to have sisters. Finally Jesus said it was time to go. Giselle called back that she would wait for me. Then she laughed and did a cartwheel. Jesus shut a large pair of double doors and I could see them no more. I had been crying .... I woke up crying. I am still crying on and off. Not because I am sad .... it was just all so emotional. Jesus is still with me and I can see Giselle in my minds eyeI looked up Ophelia Olivia Agnes .... Ophelia is Greek and means "help", Olivia is Latin for an "olive tree" a symbol of grace and fruitfulness. An olive branch is the symbol for peace. Agnes is from the Greek also and means "pure" or "chaste" or "holy" and the symbol for that name is the lamb. I think my nick name might be "Liv"! So here is a verse; Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honorable use some for dishonorable. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work." (2 Timothy: 20)

I told God that for however long I remain that I want to own the atmosphere of heaven to get me through. And he keeps me singing. So what do you think? Is it a pretty dream? Is any of it true? I have my own opinion. But I hope you are encouraged dear reader.

At last the march shall end, the wearied ones shall rest,
The pilgrims find their Father's house, Jerusalem the blest. ~Arthur Messiter

Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. (Psa. 40)

*The illustration above is entitled Ophelia

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Among The Weeds

I have just come in from the yard where I have been pruning and weeding and harvesting. There have been various prickers and unruly branches growing every which way but there is also a glut of butternut squash ... enough to share and take us into the winter maybe.
I have no pumpkins this year. They did not tolerate the midsummer drought. The one lone pumpkin has become a squirrel snack. I wish now that I had hedged it. There was poison ivy too. Before I sat down to write to you I scrubbed with Burt's Bees Brown Soap .... but knowing that will not be enough I have also started myself on Rhus Tox. It is the most potent and homeopathic medication I know for poison ivy cure.
In previous posts I have described negative thoughts as the grubs that eat the tender shoots in my garden. The only sane thing to do is crush them as they are the beginning of destruction. To entertain negative thoughts is to rot the mind and then the body. Evil thoughts are a plague. The Holy Spirit is the cure.
But too often we are over extended. We have a long to do list and we are busy burning the candle at both ends. If we do not stop to worship and allow God to take care of us mentally, emotionally and physically ...... well, like the garden, our mind seems to choke with weeds and we move towards becoming more of a problem then a help. We move around in this world rubbing shoulders with other sinners .... acting out and reacting to each other. Perhaps we are helping other people clean up some things in their lives .... how do you keep from reacting in superiority or pride to "the mess others are in" .... how do you keep from coming down with your own case of something. Like brown soap and rhus tox time with Jesus will keep you sane and healthy.
God knows what is going to come against me every day. The hymns and scriptures I read and pray daily are a buffer against the onslaught. Often I feel the prayers of others .... THANK YOU! They have been fervent and effectual. God bless you too.
I could suggest that we think only pleasant thoughts of one another but you might take that as a rather naive view of the state of the world ... and I've thought about this ... Here are some of the thoughts of God that are us ward .... "I love you ... I died for you ... you are mine ..." We may think this way of each other. God loves you .... he died for you .... you belong to him. I intend to keep this in mind as I watch your back. "Little children let us love one another"..."pray for your enemies".
I do find that so much of the battle is in my mind .... it is not what people have said or done to me, as me thinking that I think I know what they are thinking .... or just a casual wondering .... something someone says or does piques my curiosity. Just the wondering seems to set off all kinds of speculations that seem to digress rapidly to the gutter. More then I needed to know! More then I want to know! Is it possible to be a busy body in your mind? How do I shut this off or turn the channel! I have found that prayer seems to abruptly change the atmosphere from open sewer to kingdom come. God knows every situation and I can lift my concerns to him if anything is amiss he is the one to fix it.

Whom Have I In Heaven But You

Psalm 104
My soul, bless the Lord! the Lord is most great,
With glory arrayed majestic his state;
the light is his garment, the skies are his shade,
And over the waters his courts he has laid.
He rides on the clouds, the wings of the storm,
The lightning and wind his mission perform;
The earth he has founded her station to keep,
And wrapped as a vesture about her the deep.
He waters the hills with rain from the skies,
And plentiful grass and herbs he supplies,
Supplying the cattle, and blessing man's toil
With bread in abundance, with wine and with oil.
The trees which the Lord has planted are fed,
And over the earth their branches are spread;
They keep in their shelter the birds of the air,
The life of each creature the Lord makes his care.
The Spirit, O Lord, makes life to abound,
The earth is renewed, and fruitful the ground;
To God ascribe glory and wisdom and might,
Let God in his creatures for ever delight.
Rejoicing in God, my thought shall be sweet,
While sinners depart in ruin complete;
My soul, bless Jehovah, his Name be adored,
Come praise him, ye people, and worship the Lord.
~The Psalter, 1912
So much I want to be able to give back to God something that does not require his assistance. How can my love, gratitude or thanksgiving be worth anything to him if he has to be the initiator. But that is how it is. My heart is cold and dead without the Spirit's warmth ... I cannot muster up the love for God or others apart from him. My soul also is helplessly molested by evil thoughts and attitudes which I may recognize and struggle against but oh the weariness. "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am lowly and meek. For my yoke is easy and my burden light." .... What does the Lord require of you? Love for God and man? In repentance and rest is your salvation. He makes my burdens light. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. To God belongs glory. The Lord has ascended his throne and I am a green olive tree in the house of my God.
"But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches." (Rom 11:17) A subtle temptation to pride exists when we replace someone who has failed. Yet we have failed. And these branches were broken off because of pride in one's own righteousness. Yet we all have fallen short of law keeping. Love for God and man. In pride we join in the original sin and desire to be as God and from that vantage point we look down on the rest. And so I run to the foot of the cross so that I may not fall from my secure position of grace.
"They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand through faith. So do not become proud but stand in awe. For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you." (Rom. 11:20)
"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen .... By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. By this he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.... By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he went to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise." (Heb 11)
"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous man avails much. (James 5:16)
Last night I attended a concert of the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra with my mother at Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Newark. It has been twenty some years since our family were members there. I recognized a few faces but couldn't recall many names ... only one person recognized me ... Hey Todd. My parents have started attending EP's evening service. They like it quite well. My mother also plays the piano for an OPC work in Elkton. My dad is about to begin a Sunday School class there.
I was interested to see what the evening would bring since it might take me a step closer to Tasha. My profile for Tasha is that she could possible be coming from Russia and is a person who is methodical and musical in nature .... while Samura is like me ... Tasha is my opposite. I have been so focused on Samura that it took a bit of prayer to reincorporate Tasha into my plans. But they are both apart of my future even though I do not know Tasha yet.
The symphony was spectacular and originates from Ukraine .... which is not Russia ... but close. It was begun when an American family conducted a performance of the Messiah for the first time ever around the time of the fall of communism. They returned to plant St. Paul's Church with an outreach to the widow and the orphan and a music ministry that has even performed Christian concerts in Muslim countries like Kirghistan (and they have been asked to return). I plan to keep the possibility of going to St. Paul on another mission trip in the future as the opportunity and funds arise. I think my parents are excited and want to go too.
The Kyiv Symphony Orchestra will be performing nearly every day until the end of October. October 29 they will be at my sister's church in Allentown and at Proclamation PCA, October 30. The concert is free but there are a variety of CD's and souvenirs they hope you will purchase to pay their way. We might show up at Proclamation since David is interested in hearing the performance. He could not attend last night because he was teaching a night course at Wilmington College.
"Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God's kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness." Romans 11:22a

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Good Shepherd Family Counselling

And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, "which commandment is the most important of all?" Jesus answered, "The most important is, "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your mind and with all your strength.' the second is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these. And the scribe said to him, "You are right, Teacher. You have truly said that he is one, and "there is no other beside him. And to love him with all the heart and with all the understanding and with all the strength, and to love one's neighbor as oneself, is much more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. And when Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, "You are not far from the kingdom of God."
This man was not far from the kingdom. He only had to go from his knees to the floor. To go from the right answer to conviction of sin, to sincere repentance and from there to citizenship in the kingdom of God. And there are blessings in citizenship. There resides every spiritual blessing and God's tender mercies and care. The redeemed have escaped God's curse and judgement but not his discipline for God disciplines those he loves. But you shall yet see the distinction between the wicked and the righteous.
Here is a story of distinction. God's people, Israel were, more often then not, wayward in their affections to the one God and serving the gods of the surrounding nations. So God took disciplinary action.
Before Israel had a king and during the reign of the judges a disgraceful situation was unfolding at the Lord's temple. The sons of the high priest Eli were fornicating with the women who came to the temple with sacrifices. Eli had no part in this and rebuked his sons ... but with no affect. And so God sent a sword against his own people. And Israel was defeated before the Philistines. The sons of Eli fell and the ark of the covenant was captured.
The Philistines took their prize and placed the ark at the foot of their idol Dagon. Their god and their people had conquered the god and the people of Israel. In the morning the statue of Dagon had fallen face down before the ark. The Philistines propped him up but the next morning there was Dagon face down again but now his head, hands and feet are severed from the torso. To drive the point home the Philistines then experienced an outbreak of a plague of mice and tumors and men begin to die. The message is not lost on them. "and when Ashdod saw how things were, they said, "The ark of the God of Israel must not remain with us, for his hand is hard against us and against Dagon our god."
So they sent for the lords of the Philistines to discuss what to do. They were not yet ready to cry uncle and give the ark back to Israel. Instead they took the ark to another Philistine city called Gath (this was Goliath's home town ... he shows up a few years later). But a terrible panic and plague of tumors breaks out on Gath and more men die. Gath then tosses the hot potato to the city of Ekron whose men meet them at the gate and say, "What? Are you trying to kill us too!?!" And again with the plagues and tumors! This went on for seven months!
Finally, beside themselves, they call together the diviners and ask them what to do. The diviners point to Israels history and warn the Philistines not to harden their heart like Pharaoh and the Egyptians but to make a guilt offering of five golden tumors and five golden mice to the Lord and place it on a cart with the ark. The cart is then to be harnessed to two milk cows whose calves have been shut up in the barn. Then everyone was to step back and see if God would drive the cart somewhere or if the cows would go back to their calves.
Straight as an arrow the lowing milk cows head for the nearest Israelite town, Beth-shemish, seven miles from Ekron. The Philistines follow to the border where they see the people of Beth-shemish harvesting in the valley. Then Israel lifted her eyes and when she saw the ark of the Lord she rejoiced. The cart and the ox become a sacrifice to the Lord but even then some of the men of Beth-shemish are struck down for dishonoring the ark. And yet the people rejoice, "Who is able to stand before the Lord, this holy God? And to whom shall he go up away from us!?"
The ark of the covenant. The symbol of God's throne and presence. The golden box with two seraph's bowed in reverence, awe and worship. "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one God" and you shall love this God with all your being and your neighbor as yourself. But all we like sheep have gone astray. We are under a curse ... the whole nation of us ... and for this we owe a guilt offering. Not the guilt offering of Judas who went out and hanged himself, but the guilt offering of Peter the failed, the forgiven and the recommissioned; "Do you love me? Feed my sheep". We do not serve God after failure by calling it quits for he is a God who corrects and heals, "My son, rise up and walk, your sins are forgiven you..... go live a life of love and take the gospel with you and lo, I am with you always. Even to the ends of the earth.
Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin.
For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is always before me.
Against you, you only, have I
and done what is evil in your sight,
so that you are proved right when
you speak
and justified when you judge.
Surely I was sinful at birth,
sinful from the time my mother
conceived me.
surely you desire truth in the inner
you teach me wisdom in the
inmost place.
Cleanse me with hyssop, and I
will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter
than snow.
Let me hear joy and gladness;
Let the bones you have crushed
Hide your face from my sins
and blot out all my iniquity.
Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit
within me.
Do not cast me from your presence
or take your Holy Spirit from
Restore to me the joy of your
and grant me a willing spirit, to
sustain me.
Then I will teach transgressors your
and sinners will turn back to you.
Save me from blood guilt, O God,
the God who saves me,
and my tongue will sing of your righteousness.
O Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth will declare your praise
You do not delight in sacrifice, or I
would bring it;
The sacrifices of God are a
broken spirit;
a broken and a contrite heart,
O God, you will not despise.
In your good pleasure make Zion
build up the walls of Jerusalem.
Then there will be righteous
whole burnt offerings to delight you;
then bulls will be offered on your altar.
~ Psalm 51
This was the psalm written by King David a year after he had sinned with Bathsheba and murdered Uriah. It took a whole year because David tried to hide what he had done. But the Good Shepherd came after David with his prophet Nathan to rebuke and correct him. And David's heart broke before the Lord in sorrow and relief.
Christians take comfort in David's words of contrition because all though he sinned greatly and dealt with the consequences of his sin, the death of four sons, God never took his love or throne away from David and ever new him as, "my servant David and a man after God's own heart."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

For They Shall See God

So what's in it for me? Blogging. Telling folks that they need Jesus. Blessing people. Are we hoping for some financial gain? Have I given you half the information and told you for just $19.95 you can have the rest of it? Have I tried to appear important? Review my words carefully as I recount my errors and what God has done for me. Oh yes ... I am writing a book. I currently have no income and am looking to make a living as a journalist. I did not go to Haiti for a vacation. And I'm going back. I've done this because God asked me to. I've done this for the glory. Because someday I will stand in glory surrounded by people telling God, "and she blessed me too." I do it so I can stand before my Maker and weep tears of gratitude that he lead me to live a life not wasted. I do it to see the pleasure and approval on my Father's face. I do it because I have reaped a spiritual blessing worth more then millions.
I think the apostle Paul said it best in his letter to the Thessalonians; for the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you. On the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts. You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed -- God is our witness, We were not looking for praise from men, not from you or anyone else.
What is a pure heart? It is one that has been washed with the blood of Jesus from corrupt motivations and is now filled with the noble desires for the glory of God and the good of mankind. Ah ... the good of mankind ... sounds like something huge and abstract like "world peace". Hah! But we are content to fill a little place if God be glorified .... brighten the corner where you are. Bless your family ... bless your neighbors ... bless your co-workers. I hope I have blessed you.
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

For They Shall Be Called Sons Of God

Your face might not be here but it could be. Are you apart of God's Peace Corp? Are you apart of the Spirit of Moses and Elijah? It is a biblical teaching that before Christ returns Elijah must come. See I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to the fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse. But Jesus said that Elijah had come in referring to John the Baptist. John's message; Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.
Repentance is a turning of the heart. Repentance moves us toward reconciliation. Reconciliation is made possible by the atoning death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ that allowed our repentance to be acceptable to God. Justice has been served, mercy is available and peace is possible. Primarily peace with God and then with others. It was the day of Pentecost after Christs commission to his disciples to take the gospel to the ends of the earth that the Spirit of Moses and Elijah was poured out on three thousand God fearing Jewish believers in Jerusalem after they were "cut to the heart" and repented of their sins.
Soon after a great controversy and persecution arose and the Jewish Christians were driven out of Jerusalem. They took the gospel with them. Perhaps the first Gentile convert at this point was the Ethiopian whom Philip encountered along the road. The rejection of the Jewish nation was opening the door for Gentile believers. But Israel had not fallen beyond recovery and the work of Elijah continues until the full number of Gentiles have been brought into God's kingdom and Israel will be restored.
But now is the day of salvation. Even now the cross stands as the true peace symbol. For we do not preach "peace, peace" at any cost. No it must be the peace of Christ and it resides in our hearts first and then flows into our life and community. But there is no peace for the wicked and there is no peace with God except through the atoning blood of his son that is freely given to you for the remission of sins. Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. Turn your heart back to the Father and your fellow man. It is the wide open door to God's blessing. To reject and despise the blood of Christ leaves you no protection from the day of wrath when God will strike the land with his curse.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God.

For They Shall Receive Mercy

Scripture is so consistent in it's teaching. In several places we are told that we must forgive in order to receive God's forgiveness and that the measure we use will be measured back to us. So here is one more verse to add to the burden of proof; Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy. Dear friends let us love one another for God has loved us ... and he so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but so that the world might be saved. Jesus lived a life of love ... in order to show love he often did the unexpected. Can we like Christ live the life unexpected? ... for his walk challenged the ways of the world and religion. Radical life is kingdom life. It is not mindlessly following a set of rules. It is being connected to the the source. It is a branch that draws it's life from the vine. What is kingdom life?

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts,
as we also forgive our debtors,
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.

For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
My heart is full this morning with a desire for kingdom come in my life and in this world. The more we experience God's goodness the more we want. It is life and health and peace .... it is mercy, justice and sanity. It is forgiveness, reconciliation and wholeness. It is the love that does not let us go. It is righteousness and goodness. Evil is overthrown in kingdom coming.
And so we say Come Lord Jesus .... make my heart your throne. Let me lean into you. Dispel the darkness and with it all corruption. Let us live sane and ordered lives. Help us to see ourselves and others through the loving eyes of God. Grant to us your peace.... for the scriptures are clear .... there must be an asking for a receiving ..... and oh the abundance of what God has. Ask large .... come boldly to the throne of grace for he delights to give the Spirit to those that ask .... and pray believing that even if we ask for this mountain to be removed and cast into the sea, it will be done for us. Let the Lord arise and his enemies scattered.
Cast down every foolish pretension and every lie. Make with us your home. Be Emmanuel, God with us. Hosanna, Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord. Let all the peoples praise you, O God let all the peoples praise you, for his mercies are everlasting ... great is his love for us!
And he says to us; I desire mercy rather than sacrifice. Kingdom come is Good Samaritan living. It is having a heart that is quickly moved to pity. It is the person willing to be interupted and willing to extend themselves when God lays a need in their path. It takes us off the course of religious business as usual into radical action. It was what took Peter off his Jewish roof top to the home of an "unclean" Gentile.... Yes he was concerned about offending his Jewsih brothers .... God had to over ride Peter's concerns by telling him three times not to call unclean what God had made clean. And the gospel went to the Gentiles.
Many years ago, God dealt with me about the way I kept Sabbath. My sales team took a yearly bus trip over the weekend. All though I was the leader I told them I could not go up with them. It was doing business on Sunday. They didn't understand. One Sunday one of my customers called me and invited me to a quilt show. I told her thank you but Sunday was my "family day" ... part of me was lazy about spending a day with a near stranger .... and God spoke to me about it. He showed me it wasn't about dollar signs ... it was about spending time with people. I think Jesus would have gone on the business trip and to the quilt show.... and for the right reasons.
My lessons have not ended there. God continues to expand my thinking about what obedience to him really looks like.... and appearances can be deceiving .... for man looks on the outward appearances and God looks on the heart. Motivations reside in the heart .... we can do the right thing for the wrong reasons but we can also do what looks wrong for the right reasons .... God is interested in us having the right reasons. But here's a caution .... show mercy mixed with fear. God was not looking for me to chuck the Sabbath day and it's observances when he had me reconsider my ways .... neither was he telling Peter to live a careless life of sin as the Gentiles did. This is not about a pendulum swing between law and lawlessness ... it is about walking in the Spirit and being sensitive to God's leading ... for without that sensitivity we must fall back on cold inflexible rule keeping as our guide. So Christianity becomes just another dead religion. But the Spirit is life and the scriptures are living and active like a double edged sword. Like Peter, we may not wish to offend .... but there are people need saving. Then be ready to explain yourself ... Peter had to. And the Jewish Christians of that day recognized God's hand in the matter.
See a king will reign in
and rulers will rule with justice.
Each man will be like a shelter
from the wind
and a refuge from the storm,
like streams of water in the
and the shadow of a great rock in
a thirsty land.
Then the eyes of those who see will
no longer be closed,
and the ears of those who hear
will listen.
The mind of the rash will know and
and the stammering tongue will be fluent and clear.
No longer will the fool be called
nor the scoundrel be highly
For the fool speaks folly,
his mind is busy with evil:
He practices ungodliness
and spreads error concerning the Lord;
the hungry he leaves empty
and from the thirsty he withholds
The scoundrels methods are
he makes evil schemes
to destroy the poor with lies,
even when the plea of the needy
is just.
But the noble man makes noble
and by noble deeds he stands.
Isaiah 32: 1-8

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

For Theirs Is The Kingdom Of Heaven I

I have heard it said that "the poor in spirit" has nothing to do with physical poverty. But seems to me that physical poverty usually points us to our spiritual poverty. To know what it is to be among the poor and oppressed .... to be unable to help yourself leads many to turn to God.
Lord help me ... the helpless .... physical lack speaks to our spiritual lack .... our need. We have to realize it before we understand that we need God. It is indeed harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Wealth and success tend to mask our personal need. We have an air of self sufficiency ... we are blind to the spiritual underpinnings God provides to our lives until God shakes it up. Then like Humpty Dumpty we lie broken and shattered on the floor with no hope of repair .... hope in God.
Consider the male, female relationship. A woman projects power and self sufficiency and many a man has walked away with his hands in his pockets ..... "There is no room for me here". Part of what allows a man to "step up" for a woman is her fragility .... her need of him. Not neediness but a wholesome reality that men and women compliment and need each other .... and we appreciate that. Men too should honor and recognize that he was created to be incomplete without woman. So it is with God .... he is moved by our need of him. Our cry for help does not go unanswered. He is ready and willing to fill our poverty with his sufficiency. And we give him honor for that.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
* The above picture is a gift from Clerice. He is keeping an eye out for Samura. Clerice has agreed to be my translator when I teach the little girls class on my return to Haiti. Thank you to my partner Clerice. I could not do this without you.

For Theirs Is The Kingdom of Heaven II

Borders had a Labor Day Sale and gave me a 40% off coupon. So an hour before my company was due I was there. I knew exactly what I was looking for. It was my childhood favorite .... The Big Golden Book of Fairy Tales. I had come across it in the store a year ago and been excited to buy it for Lauren's birthday. I was so happy that it was still in print!
The book itself has beautiful full page illustrations that fascinated me as a child. The stories are from Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson. I wanted this book for Samura. But I was also there to scout out books that would feature African American children. I did a quick hunt and peck before asking the sales help. The only book they came up with was Corduroy ... which I still have from when my boys were very young. I also have Frog & Toad ... Frances, Little Bear as well as other talking critter books and some beautiful Bible Story Books.
Oddly enough I felt annoyed. I walked past a blond family and thought to myself, "I guess they can find all the books they are looking for." I passed a black mother and daughter and wondered if they thought the same sort of thing about me. I suppose the market favors those who have the money. But as they say, "It is better to light a candle then to curse the darkness." .... I do have plans to write a children's book ....
While on the bus in Haiti, Patti told me about how as a small child she used to try and scrub her skin white. The message that she got from the media and the culture was that white is beautiful. I guess she was surprised when I told her that I knew where she was coming from because the same media and culture also say that thin is beautiful. Not to stage a pity party .... I dare say everyone feels areas of inadequacy.
Yesterday in Borders, God had a special message for me. While I was busy trying to make sure that my daughter would know she was beautiful I realized that God wanted me to stop and realize the very same about myself. My attractions may falls short of what is validated by my culture so I need for God to teach me. I need his view of me and others. His perspective is the one that matters. It is the one we should be conforming to.
Surely we are not blessed regardless of our poor choices and the resulting consequences .... but if we are living the life of the godly and find ourselves suffering rejection and reproach from this present evil age we are to rejoice that this world does not recognize us as it's own, but that we belong to the Gentle Shepherd King.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

For They Shall Inherit The Earth

There is perhaps no indicator of spiritual health like humility. It is a quiet, restful place free of needing to prove or validate ourselves. There is no energy wasted on competition. We are just comfortable in our skin .... grateful for what God has done for us .... owning our Lord and his perfect sacrifice. We needed forgiving .... and we got it .... we needed to be made whole .... and we have been .... we need God for everything ..... we know this .... we ask and receive. And in the receiving we have it all. For as children of God, dependent on him we stand to inherit all that he is and all that he has for the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.
I have said before in this blog that submission to God and thereby humility is the first step towards sanity. Needing to prove ourselves or put ourselves forward robs God of his glory. We simply cannot fill his shoes and you just lose your mind trying. How many kooky people will tell you that they are Jesus Christ or God or some eminent person ... here is an individual who has lost it because they either felt compelled to prove their own significance or just simply suffered from grandiosity. It is true that genius often trembles on the verge of insanity. Submit yourselves to God and to authority and you will be noticed but not for the wrong reasons.
Not to say that in humility we are sitting on our hands .... or that performance doesn't matter ... it does. But nothing spoils the performance like the temptation to pride. We notice another persons poor behavior .... while we have accomplished something really grand .... or we're looking really good .... it is the fly in the ointment. To look down on others ... to have accomplished something and then spoil it with a lack of humility. So humility is a crown to the achiever but also for those who don't measure up. For those who, though trying their best, fall short of the gifts and perfections of others and can be okay with it. Whether we can or can't ... whether we are or aren't ... humility is becoming.
When I am blasted and rocked with the temptation to pride or competition I am armed with the knowledge of where I ought to be and so I can come to my Lord and Savior and ask him for what I need ..... and he who did not spare his own son but gave him up for us all will surely give me every good thing. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.

For They Shall Be Comforted

What is it about coming to a place so familiar? What is it makes you feel that this is where I belong? There are the familiar faces .... the folks who knew you when and who are glad to see you and reminisce about the day. We catch up on our lives .... count the grandchildren born since the time we were young and our children even younger. There are the traditions that were a seamless part of our lives restored and fitting us like hand in glove .... "ah" we say .... "I remember this." ... there is the presence of God in this place .... words are spoken and songs sung the Spirit descends and my heart reverberates a doxology and an amen. It is so natural for me to be here and I feel a magnetic pull.
Some time back David was asked by Pastor Tony Stevens of Stillwater PCA in Kennett Square to act as an elder on loan .... we have been nearly five years attending Brandywine Valley Baptist Church. We began attending because it is where our children wanted to go. I have the highest regard for this church and their pastor Bo Matthews. It is large and blessed with many services and programs and a large facility. What I have reaped there has been peace. But of late we have been alternating between the two churches. Stillwater is twice as far as Brandywine but I think God is leading us into a new phase and this is the place to be comforted. For this we must come home to the familiar.
But there has been an interesting development. I would never have gone to Haiti without attending Brandywine with their special ties to Chambrun. But now at Stillwater it looks like I am collecting traveling companions for my next visit to Haiti. This is good. I would not want to go alone all though I thought most likely I would be able to tag along with either Compassion Corp or some other Brandywine folk.
Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.

For They Shall Be Filled

I listened to a sermon series on the Beatitudes many years ago ..... Blessed are the poor in spirit ... blessed are they that mourn .... blessed the meek and those who hunger and thirst after righteousness ... blessed the persecuted ....
What stuck with me was the point on Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness ... a body may not be poor in spirit ... humble, or persecuted but we can all hunger and thirst after righteousness. O taste and see that the Lord is good ... this was my great grandfather Thomas Kellogg's life verse ... it is on his tomb stone ... it hung in quilted sampler in my grand parents home ... and then my parent's.
It speaks to my heart because when we begin to taste the abundant life found in Christ our heart cries out ... Oh God take over .... give us every spiritual blessing ... how precious the guidance of the Lord ... Whether you turn to the right or the left you will hear a voice saying, "This is the way, walk in it" .... Savior like a Shepherd lead us. Much we need thy tender care. In thy pleasant pastures feed us. For our use thy folds prepare. Blessed Jesus! Blessed Jesus! Thou hast bought us thine we are.
In my prayer times I often pray scripture and hymns. Every day I ask for God's guidance and shepherding .... Attending church I ask for God to speak to me. And he does .... sometimes it is something big like going to Haiti .... sometimes it something small like buying Samura a little brown dollie .... God is in the details of our lives .... how wonderful that he helps us tackle the big things that are so over our heads .... how precious that he cares about the little things like giving a child a special toy. What a joy and a blessing to be guided by God and to think God's thoughts after him. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness for they SHALL be filled.