Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Among The Weeds

I have just come in from the yard where I have been pruning and weeding and harvesting. There have been various prickers and unruly branches growing every which way but there is also a glut of butternut squash ... enough to share and take us into the winter maybe.
I have no pumpkins this year. They did not tolerate the midsummer drought. The one lone pumpkin has become a squirrel snack. I wish now that I had hedged it. There was poison ivy too. Before I sat down to write to you I scrubbed with Burt's Bees Brown Soap .... but knowing that will not be enough I have also started myself on Rhus Tox. It is the most potent and homeopathic medication I know for poison ivy cure.
In previous posts I have described negative thoughts as the grubs that eat the tender shoots in my garden. The only sane thing to do is crush them as they are the beginning of destruction. To entertain negative thoughts is to rot the mind and then the body. Evil thoughts are a plague. The Holy Spirit is the cure.
But too often we are over extended. We have a long to do list and we are busy burning the candle at both ends. If we do not stop to worship and allow God to take care of us mentally, emotionally and physically ...... well, like the garden, our mind seems to choke with weeds and we move towards becoming more of a problem then a help. We move around in this world rubbing shoulders with other sinners .... acting out and reacting to each other. Perhaps we are helping other people clean up some things in their lives .... how do you keep from reacting in superiority or pride to "the mess others are in" .... how do you keep from coming down with your own case of something. Like brown soap and rhus tox time with Jesus will keep you sane and healthy.
God knows what is going to come against me every day. The hymns and scriptures I read and pray daily are a buffer against the onslaught. Often I feel the prayers of others .... THANK YOU! They have been fervent and effectual. God bless you too.
I could suggest that we think only pleasant thoughts of one another but you might take that as a rather naive view of the state of the world ... and I've thought about this ... Here are some of the thoughts of God that are us ward .... "I love you ... I died for you ... you are mine ..." We may think this way of each other. God loves you .... he died for you .... you belong to him. I intend to keep this in mind as I watch your back. "Little children let us love one another"..."pray for your enemies".
I do find that so much of the battle is in my mind .... it is not what people have said or done to me, as me thinking that I think I know what they are thinking .... or just a casual wondering .... something someone says or does piques my curiosity. Just the wondering seems to set off all kinds of speculations that seem to digress rapidly to the gutter. More then I needed to know! More then I want to know! Is it possible to be a busy body in your mind? How do I shut this off or turn the channel! I have found that prayer seems to abruptly change the atmosphere from open sewer to kingdom come. God knows every situation and I can lift my concerns to him if anything is amiss he is the one to fix it.

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