Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chapter 12 Epiphany

Previously in this book I have spoken of demons as parasites. By the power of the Holy Spirit and the name of Christ we are able to shed these evil spirits through repentance and by replacing them with God's Holy Spirit. Not only do we want to shed the demonic but any sinful habits we have retained. So with God's help we put off complaint for praise to God ... we replace tolerance with patience .... fear with faith. We ward off an insurgence of what is unholy by resisting and rebuking the negative spirit. If some unholy spirit has led us into some form of sinful agreement we may repent. Knowledge and use of scripture is helpful. But the only way to keep evil from coming back and along with allies is to be bound to the Spirit of God. Then there is no room for the evil to take up residence in your soul. But it will look for another host so as not to return to hell.

Jesus once encountered a demoniac who lived near naked among the tombs. When Christ asked for his name the demons answered, "Legion" for they were many. Jesus had compassion on the man and rebuked the legion. Upon that rebuke the legion began to beg that Christ would not send them back to Hades. And so Jesus allowed them to enter a herd of nearby pigs which immediately went so completely berserk that they charged over a cliff and into the sea. So where did the spirits go from there?

The ocean has long been a symbol for evil and chaos. It was the Spirit of God which brooded over the waters before ordering and structuring the creation. Scriptures also tell us that in the new heavens and the new earth that there shall be no sea and no night. Perhaps even more of a reason we should recite the hymns and prayers for sailors at sea.

O Sacred Spirit, who dids't brood
Upon the chaos dark and rude,
Who badd'st its angry tumult cease,
And gavest light and life and peace:
O hear us when we cry to thee
For those in peril on the sea.
~William Whitting

We may go anywhere safely with Jesus. He is able to rebuke the winds and the waves, men and demons. But we still struggle here below and so if we have tasted heaven we long to enter in. But there are such things as would tie us to this earth .... unfinished tasks, loved ones and duty. As a Christian my task on this earth is to glorify God and work for his kingdom to come and replace the realm and rule of Satan. There are spiritual forces that stand behind earthly thrones.

Tomorrow is Epiphany, the twelfth day of Christmas. The celebration of Epiphany is about a group of kings (wise men) who came to kneel before the child Jesus. It has long stood as a celebration of rejoicing over the Gentiles being included in the kingdom of God. For Christ came to seek and save the lost sheep of Israel but his grace was sufficient and extended to every tribe, people and tongue.

Many years ago after the birth of my fourth son I asked God if I would have any future children. He let me know that I would have a girl child whom I should name Ana Tasha (Anastasia). Since I had lost Giselle, this promise was quite precious to me along with the fact that Anastasia means resurrection. It was a picture for me of the in gathering of the Jews into God's kingdom. For if there rejection is reconciliation for the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead. (Here Giselle would like everyone to know that she is not lost or misplaced because Jesus took her straight to heaven but that she is a spiritual Jew since she is also a Christian child). But for many years I waited to conceive ... then I waited to adopt ... perhaps a Russian Jew child ... and I came close .... but then I went to Haiti and opened my heart and home to some Gentile children.

So here it is Epiphany and I have left up all the decorations .... and the stockings too waiting to see if they will come. Mail order gifts have arrived at the house in preparation ... whereas the first wise men brought their gifts to Jesus, we remember his advent with gifts to one another... it is the year 2011.

... another Christmas has come and gone and still I wait for the children. It is now 2012. Adoptions from Haiti can take up to three years. I was told nine to eighteen months. Some times at night I go to sleep holding little Samira. I think she can feel the love that I send to her in Jesus. I believe that he comforts her as well as me while we are waiting.

One of her Christmas gifts is a little heart shaped locket meant to hold pictures of her parents .... I believe only an orphan could tell you how precious it is to have a mommy and daddy .... I know orphans who have grown to adulthood and still long for parents ... "He sets the lonely in families". Like food and shelter, a loving family is something that lifts our hearts in gratitude to the maker who is well pleased and ordained it to be so.

Unlike Samira, Olivia has caring family. If all is agreeable we would have an open adoption. I have made some preparation for Livie but think she will want to do some shopping for herself, since she is a little older. Besides a loving family, what we have to give Liv is opportunity. An opportunity for a better life. An opportunity to meet her full potential in addition to her ever growing love for Jesus. I cannot tell you how precious these two children have become to me and how thankful I am for them.

to be continued when the children arrive...   

Monday, January 3, 2011

Chapter 11 Windows And Pot Holes

I nearly deleted the last chapter as soon as it was written because it caused a problem for me and could be a pitfall for other readers. Just as insights to heaven can open windows, tales of hell can open portals. The soul of that lost Haitian woman wanted to pull me down and ride me out. I think it was a demonic parasite. Demons would rather have an earthly host then wander the arid plains of hell. They feed on our desires.
But I figured that this was some information that would be helpful to people because people do need to be warned off of hell but I did not want my book being a portal to such a place. So I asked that God would close the door on that possibility and he has. If anyone is interested in exploring more on hell and it's inhabitants, portals are as common as pot holes in May; but much deeper and more horrible. I do not recommend it and refuse to have this book used for such a purpose. If you would contact the dearly departed or any other soul it should be done through prayer. Direct your requests to God otherwise it will be through some other sinful desire which can only hurt you and others. But through Christ it can only be a glory and a blessing which is how we should wish to contact anyone. I touched on this topic in the chapter on Travellers.

One godly purpose for contacting another soul could be for the purpose of sexual purity. In many cases, such as in the military, husbands and wives are parted for long periods of time. This can be an opportunity for severe temptation and Christ promises that his children will not be tempted beyond what they can endure. But he does not promise that they will not fail. He is able to provide a way of escape if we wait upon him and trust him.

Sex is one of Satan's prime targets in this life. The object of our sexual desire can ensnare us into the worship of demons for they are the gods of this world. God delights in his children. He brings man and woman into marriage for their enjoyment and for the purpose of multiplication because he is a God of life not death. But to wander away from him into some obsessive desire is to degrade the wholesome aspect of the creation into a private self indulgent feeding. It will only lead to abuse. One can exercise godly imagination or unholy imaginations and there are spiritual beings that inhabit the imagination.

But there is no sex in heaven. Angels do not pack reproductive parts all though they are up on most earthly inventions and can accost an unholy critter with a light saber and a jet pack on their back. They enjoy being current. Souls in heaven may appear in any form that they feel comfortable. My former employer, Mrs. Rosa McDonald has come to see me. She appears as a very beautiful elderly lady all though she carries a cane and wears a rather large nose. She takes on an elderly form for this is when she came to Christ and the nose is because she had none due to face cancer. She was a very rich lady related to the DuPonts and I was one of her cook and house keepers. She had a full staff to run her estate. She has told me once or twice that she wishes she had left me some money because she credits much of her knowledge of the gospel to me and Mel Gibson with his Passion movie. I told her that I would have liked her with or without her money but having money is good too.

I have had some contact with my grandparents also. Not many words but more along the lines of loving regard. They appear to be about middle aged, which is what my earliest memories would be. I'm told they are sometimes younger. I've seen my brother Thomas Edwin who goes about as a naked little boy since he never left the hospital after his birth. He seems to think it is important that everyone know his gender .... a concern for most males. Her mommy spends more time with Audrey Hope and I hear she has renamed her Audrey Joy. Audrey is much like Giselle.

Last night Audrey left Zion without permission looking for me or her momma. Michael had to return her promptly and I held her on my lap. She had lost some of her luster and was a bit dark so we had to pray for her. She sneezed and thought it all a bit nasty. Heavens youngest souls do not know how to protect themselves in shadow land. This is why there is a heavenly outpost.

Giselle has helped me in many ways but it is important to remember that she and the other souls in heaven can only put out what the Spirit puts into them. There are instances where I have latched onto her like a drowning man but this would only pull her down with me. And again it is travelling outside the Spirit. It serves to burden and drain your assistant. I actually do know something of what it is to drown.

Last night while half awake I watched an ocean cruiser sink rapidly into the sea. I thought the Titanic did not sink so fast and I imagined being a passenger and how I would have escaped and then only to be bobbing about in the ocean and what about sharks. No sooner did I have this thought then a shark swam toward me and chomped down on me about the middle. I thought of drowning and being eaten all at once. Blood flowed up into my nose so that I was drowning on it rather then salt water. Nothing hurt me very much but I figured it might take a minute or two to die and a minute or two is a long time if you are waiting for an egg to boil.

The details of drowning and of shark attack were a form of new information to me which I might simply label, "knowledge". Knowledge is a neutral thing but what we do with it can be either positive or negative. To react negatively such as in fear, complaint, rage or pride exposes our souls to evil spiritual insurgence. Since we own a fallen human nature we are prone to these reactions. And so we find ourselves oppressed by Satan or even hosting an evil spirit which we have accepted as natural or part of ourselves. So we and others may see ourselves as lazy, stupid, or hot tempered. It is good to test what you hear. Just as it is good to go to the Father for the right perspective on the information.

Information can sometimes serve as a distraction to listening to God. Which is another good reason to touch base with him about our proper perspectives. Satan and his hosts are ever trying to throw up obstacles and distractions in our relationship to the Lord. Beware of a desire to control others outside the Holy Spirit for this is unrighteous activity also. God has established authority structures in his creation that can be a benefit to law and order but apart from him a terrible burden also.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Chapter 10 Sheol

As the cloud fades and vanishes, so he who goes down to Sheol does not come up; he returns no more to his house, nor does his place know him anymore. Job 7:9-10
For God will rescue my soul from the power of Sheol, for he will receive me. Psalm 49:15
Shall I ransom them from the power of Sheol? Shall I redeem them from Death? O Death, where are your plagues? O Sheol, where is your sting? Compassion is hidden from my eyes. Hosea 13:14
Before God's children were permitted to enter Zion there was Sheol. Sheol is not hell. I think it must have been much like shadow land. Or perhaps Sheol is shadow land. It was after the death of Christ that he descended to Sheol and from there led captives in his train into Zion. It was his sacrifice and atonement that opened the gates to the heavenly city. Nothing evil enters the city of Zion but in the hills surrounding that city a good bit of warfare exists between good and evil. Gabriel and Michael and other angels are heavens outpost in this shadow land. This is a place where one can be deceived. Whatever you hear should be tested by scripture.
There is one forlorn little soul of a Haitian woman that seemed to want to speak to me here in shadow land. She had some story to tell of her life and of her indecision of whether she should go to heaven or hell because she had loved ones in both places. Apparently she had a son in Zion who had lived life as a cripple under her table, eating the scraps from the floor like a dog. I finally decided to test the situation and rebuked the apparition. She evaporated almost immediately. She may be an actual person in hell puppet ed about by some unholy spirit but she was not a citizen of heaven. The difference between this ghastly wraith and the redeemed was as night and day. According to scripture the offer of salvation comes to the living and not to the dead. It is a dangerous thing to listen to the dead if you do not listen to the Lord. For they can lead you astray. Some believe that shadow land is a Pergatory or a place where one pays for or at least must repent of unconfessed sin such as suicide. But this is a tradition that is not based on scripture and there is the passage that teaches that for the Christian to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. God does not leaving his children standing on the doorstep for when he sees us he sees his Son.
In Zion I am free from oppression and attack. But just beneath in shadow land Jesus, Gabriel, Michael and Algonquin protect me. Giselle and Audrey come to meet me too. Satan sometimes shows up as a large blue nosed blood hound or perhaps some hulking shape walking cross my path. During these times Algonquin may cover me with his wings so that I am completely hidden. Sometimes it seems like I am in a snow globe and a viperous frog creature creeps around the outside of the glass looking for a way in. Gabe & Michael will stab at various spidery and centipede creatures that writhe at the edge of our feet. Sometimes though something will get by and settle into some weakness in my armor .... Like a deep pressure on my heart. I try to refrain from anger and negative emotions but sometimes I nearly have to flee to some place of seclusion so I can pray and get right with God. I sometimes find myself niggled by complaint, judgmental or unkind thoughts even against those I love best. This is distressing. In such times I need to get closer to Jesus in shadow land or simply go to Zion which is his prevailing presence.
There are other actions or chants that I have learned to defend my soul and cause all that is unholy to fall back. But they are not effective as empty ritual. Quoting scripture is as sharp as any double edged sword. The Lord's Prayer, the sign of the cross, lifting up and glorifying the Christ, "May the Lord God arise, and may his enemies be scattered and may this mountain be cast into the sea" .... "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of Hosts, the whole earth is full of his glory." .... well that's good for now. God Bless.

Chapter 9 The Blind Leading The Blind

Earlier in this book I had reasoned that there is only one road to Zion. It being a gospel road and one that we travel in the Spirit. The only way to reconcile with an offended God is to make an atonement and the only acceptable atonement is the perfect life and death of God's own Son whose blood was shed for the remission of sin. It takes more then just believing these things to enter glory. We must act on them and this is what faith is all about. We believe and that belief results in action. We are not saved by our works as that undermines the perfection of the atonement. Rather our works are obedience and the evidence that we believe. You cannot believe and live a life of disobedience. Even the demons believe and they tremble.

Believing is something the Spirit helps us to do as is obedience. We are incompetent without him. So then a religious system based on good works is based on pride which undermines all effort since we actually think we have earned something and nothing will reconcile us to God except perfection ... and I don't know anyone who will admit to that.

Yet God is drawn to the contrite. He spurns the proud and stoops down to make the weak and fragile great. Who are those he lifts up? The poor beggar Lazarus entered glory while the rich man thirsted in the unquenchable fires of hell. Two men came to the temple to pray. The pharisee told God about all that he had done for him. The publican beat his breast and prayed for mercy ..... I tell you the truth that it was the publican who went away justified and on the road to glory. The woman at the well and other harlots, lepers and publicans entered the kingdom ahead of the morally self righteous.

Nothing wrong with being morally righteous .... it just falls short of perfection and is an unsafe vehicle for travelling the road to Zion. We cannot keep the law for when we keep the law we begin to live in pride which results in a loss of love and love is the keeping of the law. And so this unsafe vehicle of law keeping results in us receiving the perfect justice we deserve for we have not come to the safety found at the foot of the cross. And yes Virginia, there is a hell.

Chapter 8 Loving The Father More

Yesterday I lost my needle. I looked on the chair, on the floor and even searched my clothes but could not find it. I mention this because thinking about this needle at this particular point in time had me thinking about Jesus words, It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven then for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. The eye of a needle being a very small side gate into a city where which a camel would have to get on it's knees to reach the other side. Not impossible but difficult. Few see the need for getting on their knees if they are self sustaining.

The scriptures plainly teach that we are not to store up treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. Nor are we to put our trust in chariots and horses, guns and battleships. All these things may be well and good or necessary but we are not to entrust ourselves to them. We should love God's creation but not more than him. He loves his creation but in it's proper place. When creation takes the place of the creator there is chaos and disorder. When we follow our hearts after some piece of creation the demonic holds sway. Those who wander after wealth pierce their hearts with many griefs.

I think I have reached a place of wisdom on this matter having done my share of wandering. And I believe that I handle the good things in life with temperance. It is the difficult things in life that send me packing to the Father. Here is where I go to find relief from spiritual attack. And I think he allows this trouble because he enjoys my company so much ... I know I enjoy his. Because quite frankly I have my share of difficulty that abates the minute I go to him. So he gets what he wants ..... and I find that it is what I want too.

There with the Father I can regain equilibrium and perspective. I can think about What Would Jesus Do or perhaps reflect on what he already did. Much of going to him is about not being able to handle my frustrations so well. And too many situations are over handled. Do we really need to discuss a problem with twenty other people? Why, when we can go to the Father and have him say what is just and true. Keep it simple or simply keep it to yourself. God is the source of all good judgment and he can keep you in a sound mind just by listening to him.

My daughter Giselle has also prayed that not only would I be able to sleep in Zion but that I could transport there immediately whenever I have need. She calls down periodically to remind me that it's time to come up now. All though sometimes I feel like something of a yo yo as circumstances pull me down again and I feel like I am trying to swim out of the depths to breathe celestial air. At times God intervenes to keep me afloat.

Much of what drags me down is too much talk. But then God simply says that I shouldn't worry about other people's opinion of me since he has a perfectly good opinion of me. So you see why I like to hang out with him.

(At this point you may realize that I am writing a book Christmas With Giselle ... 12 chapters for the 12 days of Christmas which ends January 6 and the celebration of Epiphany and the ingathering of the Gentiles. The book will be dedicated to the father of my children ... then I will simply have to start another book because another book will keep me financially afloat.)