Friday, December 31, 2010

Chapter 6 He Sanctifies To Us

Butterfly got a new name. Algonquin. According to wikipedia Algonquin means' "they are our relatives/allies". God told me it means' "feather" (because he said so). But most of us think of the Indian tribe related to the Odawa or Ojibwe Indians. Jesus reserves the right to rename anyone if their name becomes defiled or is used as a tool for ridicule. Butterfly was named by me for Giselle because of his resemblance to a flock of migrating butterflies but some might see the name as meaning he is weak, silly or effeminate. Angels are neither male nor female but they are mighty creatures and Butterfly/Algonquin is no exception. He is terrible and beautiful at the same time and no ninny. And Algonquin is confident of who he is ... A guardian angel.

Most of us experienced unfortunate nicknames in grade school. We grew up a bit and heard the mockery directed against where we came from or who we were related to. I know my sons have resorted to some swift physical justice for anyone who had something to say about their momma. And maybe they had to sit in a principals office for a bit .... but we're thinking that the principal might have done the same thing. Let me also say that if my boys ever find themselves in a life threatening situation where they are called upon to curse me that I'd rather that, then not ever seeing them again. Christian martyrdom is a different situation all together. Still I know my boys and their love for me and that they would die for me, their wives and their children.

It is good for a man to guard and protect his home, family, the weak or helpless and country if called upon to do so. No one should shield him from that responsibility for it robs him of his purpose and what makes him a man. This is not about turning the other cheek. It is not about revenge. It is about justice and being a man. There are times when it is appropriate for a man to deal out justice in the heat of a moment and this is not being a vigilante all though it could be if society is lacking in law and order and there is the need for a Spiritual awakening.

If you are called up in such a crisis, do not get too hung up on whether you did everything just right or somehow brought some disaster on yourself. The Lord himself is the only one who endured shame, disgrace and abuse in our place without fault. The Lord was not called to take up arms but to be a sacrifice. He laid down his life for us and the atonement of our sins that we might not perish but have eternal life. There is a time for martyrdom and a time to bare arms.

Still we may find ourselves in unfamiliar places where we stumble and commit the sins of youth. I have done so. God is good and forgives us our sins of ignorance, passion or will. And he sanctifies to us our deepest distress. So that we come forth wiser and bolder in the power of the Spirit because we have learned the hard way that we cannot walk in the flesh.

But always know that the Christ will not agree with anything that has come against you that may have degraded you. He has your reputation and your humanity in his hip pocket. Remain in him and no lie formed against you will prosper. You have strength and honor. I have watched you sacrifice. I've seen you tried, tested and transformed into the likeness of Christ.

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