Happy Birthday Miss Lauren Ava.
Some of my dearest memories are of you running up to greet me at your front door like a little church lady welcoming me to tea ... then saying goodbye so sadly ... "Please come back soon." ... or the times, early on, when you came to visit grammie and decided to go through my stuff (makeup, jewelry). I set up some boundareis but loaned you a bracelet watch that you could borrow whenever you came to visit. Now every time you come you wander upstairs and find "your" watch. Or the time I carried you downstairs and set you down only to have you look up sweetly in my face and say, "I'm gonna pick you a flower."
We have made cookies together, decorated for the holidays, and experimented with various craft projects. I have watched you mature and become more structured, responsible and self controlled. I am so proud of you. May God continue to give you a spirit of peace and joy.
While I am not your mother I am your gramma. We have a very special relationship. I did not rock you in the wee hours of the mourning ... or nurse you or change your nappies day in and day out. It was not for me to decide where you went to school, church or day care. What I have done is pray for you ... visited with you on the holidays or had you come to stay when mommy & daddy needed an extra pair of hands. Little girl, I love you. God bless you and keep you and gift you.
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