Dear Friends & Family,
I have been presented with the opportunity this summer (July 8-26, 2010) to travel to the country of Morocco in North Africa with Compassion Corp*. Once there we will be holding a summer camp in the mornings at Village of Hope an orphanage of about 30 children. During the afternoons of the first week we will be travelling to other villages and cities to work with at risk children living in orphanages and detention centers. In the afternoon of the second week we will be conducting a sports/arts/drama camp. The children there do not have physical education or art classes and will be very excited to come. We are expecting about 300 children to participate this week. At the same time some of the women of our group will be working with village women teaching them handcrafts and doing seminars on nutrition and hygiene. We'll also have the opportunity to spruce up a building that will be turned into a women's center just for them! All in the name of Jesus.
The cost of the trip is $2,500 which I need to raise. In a way you will be going with me to Morocco through your financial support and prayers. If this is something you would like to do please send a check payable to Compassion Corp, PO Box 103, Chester Heights, PA 19017 and a note designating the gift to my ministry account (Melanie Bird). Your contribution will be tax deductible.
Please pray for:
~ Team unity
~ Hearts prepared to receive God's love through our compassion
~ Stamina and protection from illness
~ The ability to effectively serve the women and children there
~ God's Spirit poured out in all our hearts communicating itself in all our relationships
If none of this is working for you perhaps you can help me iron my clothers before I go.
*Compassion Corp is a growing body of concerned individuals who desire to make a difference for those who are suffering in Muslim Africa's most difficult places. Our vision is to resource and partner with African Christians in holistic projects of compassion in the African Muslim world by engaging a corp of caring and committed activists.
Read the following articles for more information about why I am going on this trip.
Best Regards,
Melanie R. Bird
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