About this time last year I found myself without money for my son's birthday. So, like Paul confronted with the empty hand of a lame beggar it was a situation of "no silver and gold but such as I have I give to you." Paul's gift in the name of Jesus was to give a lame man the ability to walk, run, jump .... a full recovery. My gift was to give a blessing. I prayed, typed and prayed some more. Then dropped it in the mail. He would have to tell you what it meant to him.
Since then it has become a tradition to give my children and grandchildren a birthday blessing. When Jacob pronounced a blessing over his 12 sons he considered their personalities ... one was like a lion another an ox .... included in these blessings were things they would achieve. Since names and holidays have always been something that God has used to speak to me I factor these into a written or spoken blessing. I consider the gifts of the individual and I pray for the power of the Spirit to come into their lives. It is not some kind of numerology or study of the stars It is knowledge with love, wisdom, vision, insight and prayer aligned with scripture.
Everyone needs vision to give them a sense of purpose, calling and direction. I could keep my vision to myself and for myself ..... the all important ME. Or I can give the gift of vision to people who need to know and be affirmed in their calling.
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