This is a clever bit of work from the Knit Shop. When I think of an octopus I think about a spirit of vengeance ..... someone has wronged me and there is something that wants to pound them into the ground and pay them back seven times ... or maybe eight. The little twerp. Such times we need the Spirit of God to seep into those wounded places of the heart and we need to hand the situation over to him ...."Vengeance is mine, says the Lord." and he really does a much better job of it and we remain in a safe place until the storm has passed.
The times I have lashed out in anger I have said things that not only put my opponent in a bad light but myself as well. The measure of forgiveness we use will be measured back to us and no one wants their faults put under a microscope. So refrain from wrath and retaliation. Anger is a justified emotion but untempered and unmanaged it can lead to helter skelter. Love and pray for your enemies. I have come to believe that God gives us enemies because there are folks that need prayer and we wouldn't think to do it if they never troubled us. The Scriptures tell us that we battle not against flesh & blood but against evil spiritual forces. This does not absolve personal responsibility. Finally when you see God rebuke or deal with your assailant turn away and do not gloat for then God will need to deal with you.
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