I have seen angels dance. I have seen men dance as angels. There is Holy Spirit inspired dance. It is decisive and usually choreographed as a group. Whether a stomp or a sway there is no wasted motion or flapping about. It is measured, ordered and inspired like the beating of a drum. What I have seen has been modern dance to modern music. It inspires awe and worship. But there are many acceptable styles.
Giselle also has learned to dance recently. An angel taught her. I watched some of the practice sessions but could not see her feet as she did not want me to see her mistakes. She showed me what she was learning later .... all though not always perfect or timed it was a child like Holy Spirit rendered dance. She is mostly in the music department of heaven. Specifically in the choirs and around the throne of God. She was very proud recently to show me a song she had written. It goes like this;
Haiti loves me this I know, for my Jesus tells me so ... Little ones to him belong and I know it isn't long. Yes Haiti loves me, yes Haiti loves me, yes Haiti loves me. My Jesus tells me so.
When the Spirit is present on a man, woman or child it is a glory and a grace. When the Spirit is present on a group it is miraculous. Like the members of the body, each works in a harmony that is ordered by Christ the head and cornerstone. We may not speak to each other but God speaks to each one and each one does it's part. Nearly every week I walk in the Spirit and the message God gives then go to church and hear it again perhaps with added information that rounds out and glorifies the Father who loves and orders his children.
I've been somewhat surprised to see that my person and gifts are appreciated even in heaven. Yesterday Gabriel sat down on a rock looking somewhat dejected. We were in shadow land. I went over to see what was up because that's just me ... I go see to those in need of comfort. It seems that he feels like much less of an angel then Michael. Since Michael and I did not get off on the right foot so much we had been adapting to each other and doing well. So I sat down to talk to Gabe for awhile. He sees himself as only a messenger angel and Michael as a mightier warrior angel. But Gabriel is a fighter too. I think I made him feel better because he is an awesome angel as well. Being a messenger angel is not less then being a warrior angel. Just different.
Even more surprising then having an opportunity to comfort angels was to offer comfort to the Lord. To have him reside in my heart is great joy and comfort to him as is my quick concern over anything I say or do that might bring him offense and estrange us to each other. He is ever pleased by our love and obedience but even that is a gift of the Spirit in us and to him.
Comfort is usually accompanied by kindness. And I tend to have a horror of treating anyone unkindly. In my natural this is simply an aversion to hard feeling, bickering or quarrels and a desire for peace. I like relationships to tick along smoothly .... selfish perhaps as there is a time to fight and one must avoid the tendency to compromise. But in the Spirit, kindness is a powerful force of reconciliation and for building up others. Our Lord is deeply kind to people. and the Holy Spirit is our Comforter.
'It is the same for angels, Giselle and her gifts. She is all of joy but only as long as she is in the Spirit which is where she draws her wells of joy from. Apart from him she may drift into some form of discontent. My service to her is to relieve her of her duties and service to me and send her up to the Father where she is safe and replenished. I love her deeply and the Father more.