Okay, I did it. I defined my views on sex and marriage as being one man, one woman. Heretofore I have avoided this topic because I think that practicing homosexuals have become a scape goat in the Evangelical Christian Community. Like the woman caught in adultery there are folks pointing fingers and picking up rocks, ready to accuse those who have come out of the closet while they remain in there own.
What I mean by that is, that I have had enough perversity and down right evil in my own thoughts, in my own lifetime, to realize that I live in a glass house and should not be pitching stones. And we have the rising divorce rate to prove all is not well in the Christian Community. Is there pedophilia behind the desire for the ever younger? Can you be married to the same person for 30 years and be thinking about someone else? So you stayed married .... you still got a problem. There is room at the cross for you, Christian brothers and sisters.
I would wish to be among the humble and the contrite. Under the umbrella of God's grace where I can site the words of Jesus; "Has no one condemned you? ... 'No one.' she said. ... 'Then neither do I condemn you ... Go and sin no more.'"
"Go and sin no more?" How? I will not profess to have all the answers but I do know what God has done for me. I once asked God to help me to love him with an undivided heart. I will not lie. It hurt. Everything I have ever set my heart upon has broken it. Broken and bleeding I was finally able to rest in the love that will not let me go. But I still have scars. I'm still processing how to deeply love without the fear that I am slipping back into idolatry .... which I do since I haven't arrived. Loving makes me nervous because I've been broken so many times. But love is one of the fruits of the Spirit which means that God is the source of true love and that he can give it to us .... and perfect love drives out fear.
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