Like my poetry, blogging helps me sort things out. And I go back and read my own stuff because I forget ... I rarely change much once I've finished posting except for the occasional typo or grammatical error .... which I'm sure there are plenty .... One of my common errors is to switch "there" and "their" .... of course the spell check does not catch that one. It's a lot like reading music and trying to hit all the notes right. I have to proof read and tweak .... make sure the information is accurate and that my intentions are not misunderstood.
Besides writing I am in the minority of folk that likes public speaking. My eyes kind of light up when someone hands me a microphone all though I generally don't initiate these occasions. Everyone likes a good listener and listening is important. But if I do get a microphone you will listen because I will make you listen and because you will sense the urgency of what I have to tell you and I will compel your interest.
There (or is that "their"... Hah!) so you have learned a little bit more about me. If I were to go on it would be self indulgent. In previous posts I have identified myself as a saint and a sinner. Just as I do not spend my time in foolish boasting I do not spend it in dishing up the dirt on wayward youth. These things have been repented of and God only sees me as his own dear child. I am forgiven, older and wiser yet still a sinner. Being honest about yourself does not mean that you have to walk around naked to please the perverse curiosity of strangers. I try to deal kindly with others so that I may treat myself with equal kindness. By all means make amends where ever you can but do not sit woefully in your pig pen .... lift your head and square your shoulders. You are the apple of his eye.
As his dear children, who have not yet finished our race and entered into glory, we are still the object of Satan's great hatred. We will find ourselves battling against the world the flesh and the devil. Against such constant pressures we may stumble forward and sometimes backwards. There is no temptation that has seized you which is not common to man. If we fall back it is likely that it will only increase our desire for holiness .... sin and it's consequences are much like drinking sour milk ... we want to spit it out. And sin takes it's toll on the body. But to live this holy, healthy life ... to be in this (sinful) world but not of it, we need armour ... we need protection and God knows this and has no intention that we be like naked babes exposed to the elements. He surrounds and clothes us with his presence. I will not leave you as orphans ..... never will I leave you, never will I forsake you .... my mother and father may forsake me but the Lord will receive me.
In a previous post I spoke of a desire for kingdom come. Kingdom comes first to men's hearts but it doesn't stop there. It flows outward like a glorious river .... oh the deep deep love of Jesus that refreshes all the land. We are working towards kingdom come. So for now we are in the world but we are not of this world .... we are of the kingdom, subjecting every thought to Christ ... asking for and receiving the mind of Christ ... asking and receiving the fruits of the Spirit. Making a wholesome difference in this world. Ushering in the kingdom.
Such lofty ideals. Yet here we are with our feet on the ground or in the mud rubbing shoulders with obnoxious people. We are in community but sometimes we think we would be holier sitting on a mountain top somewhere with God 24/7. And we need those times alone with him to get our heads on straight but then we have to come down off the mountain and live with the real people who have the real problems. And attitudes are contagious. It's like someone with the flu sneezing on you and now you are sick too. Foolish behavior draws derision .... hatred butts up against hatred ,... and seduction precedes immorality. There are spiritual forces at work in choreographed attack formations trying to take you out. Not that we should fear but that we would be armed with a little knowledge and preparation.
If a Christian person contagious with the wrong sort of attitude advances on you, you have every right to move away from them. It is a rebuke to them to get their house in order so that they may live in Christian community. Details on this instruction is found in scripture along with the charge to pray for one another. This teaching does not apply to unbelievers. It is problematic for a believer to enter into partnership with unbelievers in marriage or even business since their values clash and a believer may be forced to compromise. While there is a special bond that we celebrate in the family of God, every man is our neighbor to love as we love ourselves. And we love with the love of the Lord.
But in this world Satan holds sway. Understanding his devices gives you a heads up and helps you check thoughts and attitudes at the door. You do not have to own or feel guilty about every thought that comes into your head. We are tempted and tried at every turn and temptation is no sin. If you yield to temptation in agreement of thought or actions then you have sinned. If Satan cannot get you to agree with him he will find other ways to provoke you. This attack may come through a relationship or a physical infirmity. Curb the angry and stressed response and begin to praise and thank the Father. Let God arise and his enemies be scattered! Your peace will increase and frustrations will subside, kingdom comes, the Spirit surrounds you, you own the atmosphere of heaven, Zion stands and ... Satan retreats. You will walk from glory unto glory. Further out and further in to joy.
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