I am not known for being a humorist but perhaps I make up for it with an appreciation for humor and the ability to laugh at other peoples jokes. So this chapter will perhaps ring true for you .... these thoughts come from heaven to you.
In the previous chapter I referred to having the mind of Christ and his ideas being the best. He would tell you that his ideas may or may not be the best depending, since some folks think it is a better idea to have two lords and that idea seems more acceptable to them. So perhaps he is not so fond of having his ideas stolen for the purpose of some becoming wealthy. You cannot serve two masters for you will love the one and hate the other .... you cannot serve both God and mammon (money). But he is rather free with his advice to all who believe and for the glory of God.
What splendor to have your mind illuminated by Christ. He reveals beauty and order all around. He shows us things that we would not have seen on our own. But the conversation has to start somewhere ..... go ahead and ask him a question ..... if there is no answer, pursue him, love him, rest in him, pray for the Spirit to take you deeper into relationship.
So here are a few quips:
So, Jesus, how long you been around? About as long as you have.
Jesus just fixed my heart, so I asked him, "Why?" and he says; "Because I can"
Some folks come to heaven all looser ed out about their mortal bodies and there are many who tell Jesus they would like to be thin again. Jesus just says, "Well, you are what you eat." ... sometimes you gotta think about it.
Soy Lent Green is people ... and cattle too.
He likes to let the Protestants know that the Catholics are right ... they just don't know how to say it.
"I love you, love you, love you .... and I'm always thinking of you." ~God
Some people's theology just needs to change because most often they just need to love people more and love change less.
Jesus said, "I love you and I'm always thinking of you." so I asked him to tell me something new and he said, well it is new because it's new every day.
When people tell Jesus that they hope their sins are forgiven he puts his arm around their shoulders and says, "they are if you want them to be."
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