"Peace on earth" are often the words that reverberate during the Christmas season .... twas not peace with all and everyone .... looking at the text and to quote the angel host it was, "Peace on earth and good will to men, on whom his favor rests." ..... On whom does God's favor rest? The gospel message clearly states it is on the humble and the contrite. Those who know they have offended God and man and are heartily sorry for it and those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Peace was not extended to the proud or to the incorrigible .... it does explain some of the confusion we might have as to why Jesus came to bring peace but also no peace .... but a sword (Christ never bore a literal sword but he did cause division). There are two camps.
One camp is reconciled to God and one is not. As those who are reconciled to God we are also to practice reconciliation with others. We can only truly be reconciled and be at peace with those who are reconciled to God. We would that all men be reconciled to him. So we may pray for kingdom come ... we may endeavor to live lives that reflect Messiah .... we may even speak an appropriate word here and there. We may love even when we don't agree.
But we should not enable the malefactor and the rebel. Like the psalmist we might rather be "a doorkeeper in the house of God then to dwell in the tents of wickedness". How can righteousness and unrighteousness walk side by side without some compromise .... God forbid that it should be a compromise of righteousness. Reach out to the lost and straying but don't join the camp. If an individual will not heed your warning .... walk away no matter what the personal loss. God can take care of you. He is your eternal treasure.
Now some are in this rebel camp because of ignorance ..... they certainly need patience, prayer and information. Then they need a working of the Holy Ghost in their hearts so that they may feel true repentance thus bringing them to their knees and to the Father. But some are in this camp because they have chosen an evil course. They are addicted to their sin. They need to feel the sharp pain of consequence to shake them free of their destructive course. Even a Christian can set up habitation in the rebel camp. Ti's why we have church discipline .... one bad apple can spoil an entire basket full. A bitter root defiles many. Many Christians are in this camp because of some bitterness against God and man. A little yeast affects the whole lump of dough .... tolerate just a little sin and it spreads. Is it really just a small flirtation or just a little bit of gossip or temper ..... does everything need to be addressed? No. If you see your brother sin, pray for him .... or it may need to be addressed.
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