My finger has been in the wind of late. It is a Holy Spirit wind and a change is coming. Take praise bands. What once was cutting edge has been around now for 20 some years or more. At first we were defensive because the old folks thought guitars in church was a walk on the wild side. But the argument has died back a good bit and a praise band is a rather tame thing unless it gets really loud or heavy metal .... or rap ... which feels a little weird to some, including me (it's a cultural thing). So there is a change coming and I can feel a longing like the sap rising in the spring. It is for that old time religion .... it is the memory of listening to my grandparents sing the hymns of their youth .... On Jordan's stormy banks I stand ... Day is dying in the west. Heaven is touching earth with rest, wait and worship while the night, sets her evening lamps alight, through all the sky. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of Thee, heaven and earth are praising Thee, O Lord Most High ...
I want to go on .... but it's also listening to Johnny Cash and George Beverly Shea sing the old hymns ... it's Billy Graham crusades .... it's a longing for an age of innocence. It's a longing for the stuff that makes sense. Like fashion ... marry and bury me in the classics .... clothing that makes sense. Is why I like the 30's. There was a spirit of sacrifice ... folks made do. They were practical. I want to go back to that ... but in the now. There is nothing wrong with varying fashion or praise bands for that matter. They are practical and an economy of effort. And the music is wonderful. It's just good to mix it up a little.
But about the 30's, it is not so much that I am drawn to the the trappings of an era. But these represent the heart of an era. I'm not into what is shocking as though it were synonymous with cutting edge. I want to be into what is good .... what is pure and what is wholesome. I want to go back to when the important thing was to love the Lord with all your heart and mind and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself. I want to go back to a time when a person made up their mind about how to live based on this principle. Talk about cutting edge .... it would be a healing of the nation and a cut back on wickedness. Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Change is in the wind. ~Melanie
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