But I figured that this was some information that would be helpful to people because people do need to be warned off of hell but I did not want my book being a portal to such a place. So I asked that God would close the door on that possibility and he has. If anyone is interested in exploring more on hell and it's inhabitants, portals are as common as pot holes in May; but much deeper and more horrible. I do not recommend it and refuse to have this book used for such a purpose. If you would contact the dearly departed or any other soul it should be done through prayer. Direct your requests to God otherwise it will be through some other sinful desire which can only hurt you and others. But through Christ it can only be a glory and a blessing which is how we should wish to contact anyone. I touched on this topic in the chapter on Travellers.
One godly purpose for contacting another soul could be for the purpose of sexual purity. In many cases, such as in the military, husbands and wives are parted for long periods of time. This can be an opportunity for severe temptation and Christ promises that his children will not be tempted beyond what they can endure. But he does not promise that they will not fail. He is able to provide a way of escape if we wait upon him and trust him.
Sex is one of Satan's prime targets in this life. The object of our sexual desire can ensnare us into the worship of demons for they are the gods of this world. God delights in his children. He brings man and woman into marriage for their enjoyment and for the purpose of multiplication because he is a God of life not death. But to wander away from him into some obsessive desire is to degrade the wholesome aspect of the creation into a private self indulgent feeding. It will only lead to abuse. One can exercise godly imagination or unholy imaginations and there are spiritual beings that inhabit the imagination.
But there is no sex in heaven. Angels do not pack reproductive parts all though they are up on most earthly inventions and can accost an unholy critter with a light saber and a jet pack on their back. They enjoy being current. Souls in heaven may appear in any form that they feel comfortable. My former employer, Mrs. Rosa McDonald has come to see me. She appears as a very beautiful elderly lady all though she carries a cane and wears a rather large nose. She takes on an elderly form for this is when she came to Christ and the nose is because she had none due to face cancer. She was a very rich lady related to the DuPonts and I was one of her cook and house keepers. She had a full staff to run her estate. She has told me once or twice that she wishes she had left me some money because she credits much of her knowledge of the gospel to me and Mel Gibson with his Passion movie. I told her that I would have liked her with or without her money but having money is good too.
I have had some contact with my grandparents also. Not many words but more along the lines of loving regard. They appear to be about middle aged, which is what my earliest memories would be. I'm told they are sometimes younger. I've seen my brother Thomas Edwin who goes about as a naked little boy since he never left the hospital after his birth. He seems to think it is important that everyone know his gender .... a concern for most males. Her mommy spends more time with Audrey Hope and I hear she has renamed her Audrey Joy. Audrey is much like Giselle.
Last night Audrey left Zion without permission looking for me or her momma. Michael had to return her promptly and I held her on my lap. She had lost some of her luster and was a bit dark so we had to pray for her. She sneezed and thought it all a bit nasty. Heavens youngest souls do not know how to protect themselves in shadow land. This is why there is a heavenly outpost.
Giselle has helped me in many ways but it is important to remember that she and the other souls in heaven can only put out what the Spirit puts into them. There are instances where I have latched onto her like a drowning man but this would only pull her down with me. And again it is travelling outside the Spirit. It serves to burden and drain your assistant. I actually do know something of what it is to drown.
Last night while half awake I watched an ocean cruiser sink rapidly into the sea. I thought the Titanic did not sink so fast and I imagined being a passenger and how I would have escaped and then only to be bobbing about in the ocean and what about sharks. No sooner did I have this thought then a shark swam toward me and chomped down on me about the middle. I thought of drowning and being eaten all at once. Blood flowed up into my nose so that I was drowning on it rather then salt water. Nothing hurt me very much but I figured it might take a minute or two to die and a minute or two is a long time if you are waiting for an egg to boil.
The details of drowning and of shark attack were a form of new information to me which I might simply label, "knowledge". Knowledge is a neutral thing but what we do with it can be either positive or negative. To react negatively such as in fear, complaint, rage or pride exposes our souls to evil spiritual insurgence. Since we own a fallen human nature we are prone to these reactions. And so we find ourselves oppressed by Satan or even hosting an evil spirit which we have accepted as natural or part of ourselves. So we and others may see ourselves as lazy, stupid, or hot tempered. It is good to test what you hear. Just as it is good to go to the Father for the right perspective on the information.
Information can sometimes serve as a distraction to listening to God. Which is another good reason to touch base with him about our proper perspectives. Satan and his hosts are ever trying to throw up obstacles and distractions in our relationship to the Lord. Beware of a desire to control others outside the Holy Spirit for this is unrighteous activity also. God has established authority structures in his creation that can be a benefit to law and order but apart from him a terrible burden also.
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