Somebody gave me a thumbs up ..... I'm not sure for what but immediately the words came into my mind addressed to that somebody, "So what have you done lately?" I didn't agree with the words but there they were like a whirlpool sucking at my feet. My mind played a little Jesus cartoon .... I could see the sturdy little donkey carrying the Christ through the gates of Jerusalem to shouts of "Hosanna" and children waving palm branches. The people lining his path with their coats. Suddenly, on the side line a spectator gives the little donkey a thumbs up. The little fellow blinks a bit then the ass raises to his hind legs tumbling the Christ to the ground and continues the procession with a Cheshire Cat smile and many bows, "Why thank you very much." Then giving a side long glance to the person with the thumb and asking, "So what have you done lately?" By this time the crowd has hushed, palm branches droop and somewhat embarrassed the spectator answers, "encouraged you maybe?"
I didn't want to be that ass. I refused to own the words that had come into my head .... temptation is not sin. We Christians often speak of God bringing something to mind .... well this was clearly not a God thought. One might call it a security breach .... Old Lucifer trying to stir the pot and create a little distress which could lead to so much more.
But, as I mentioned before, this negative thought weighed on my mind and all this right in the middle of my devotions. Sometimes my devotions are short ..... it seems when I am enjoying them the most God lets me know it is time to put actions to my words .... sometimes the devotions last much longer .... today was one of those days. It put me in mind of when the people wanted to take Jesus and make him their king. This was after the miracle of The Feeding of the Multitudes. Folks were impressed and his disciples were apart of it all. Jesus' response was to quickly pack up his disciples and take them to a quiet place. Somewhere they could go away from all the voices. Somewhere they could go to hear God's voice. And I needed that ... Tell me the old old story of unseen things above, of Jesus and his glory, of Jesus and his love ... Tell me the story simply, as to a little child, for I am weak and weary and helpless and defiled.... Tell me the story slowly that I may take it in that wonderful redemption, God's remedy for sin.... Tell me the same old story when you have cause to fear that this world's empty glory is costing me too dear. Tell me the story always, If you would really be, In any time of trouble a comforter to me.~ Catherine Hankey
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