Lunch boxes. I remember the cool metal embossed containers with matching thermos that we carried to school. I remember picking out my favorite design at the grocery or drug store .... perhaps barbie or snoopy this year. I remember checking out the other kids lunch boxes ..... what was outside and what was inside. I remember lunchtime being the best hour of the day. Sometimes it gave us energy to finish the day strong .... sometimes it made us sleepy through the long afternoon. But no child ever went without a lunch. If you forgot yours the teacher would instruct the other kids to share with you. Now a days lunchtime seems to catapult buzzed kids into a frantic and unfocused rampage until the blessed relief of the final bell. It reminds me of the more recent Jurassic Park Lunch Box with the charging Tyrannosaurus."Under the lotus he lies" Job. Bless the moms & dads that pack their child a wholesome lunch.
As a teenager I gave up my childish lunchboxes for the brown paper bag and since my mom worked at the school it was my job to pack my own lunch. We didn't keep a lot of sweets in the house so generally my lunch was a P&J with a carrot .... sometimes I was running late and it was just the carrot. I remember the kids laughing at me. Apparently they had moms who made their lunches ..... beautiful stacked ham & cheese sandwiches w/ pickles .... tasty cakes .... homemade soups and crackers. I was thin and into sports. Now that my youngest is a teenager he sometimes opts for just the carrot ..... all though I am there to pack his lunch I've actually seen him unpack everything and just take the carrot. He also tries to eat to support his sports performance. Protein Shakes and the like ..... we were Sparta!
Perhaps I live in another country now .... healthy food, a good nights sleep, the roof over my head ..... heat and air conditioning, water, vitamins, health and exercise ..... the slightest physical lack challenges my spiritual condition (as does luxury). Last night I did not get enough sleep. I dragged out of bed praying desperately against a headache and feelings of discontent. My body wanted more sleep and if not sleep some serious comfort food. This was a problem since I'm trying to maintain a diet. I didn't feel so friendly either. I sometimes knit to restore my sense of well being ... nothing wrong with that is there? I'm thankful to be working out of my home .... it's peaceful. And doesn't the bible commend a woman busy at home? But then what if I am called to leave these things? Where will my peace come from? Your turn to think, Dear Reader .... What a tight rope we walk being in the world and not of it. Battling the world the flesh and the devil. Using the creation with proper respect and proportion or is it more of a free fall into the arms of grace .... Lord Jesus help me to perform even the simplest duties.
Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word making it unfruitful. Mark 4:18-19
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.