Jesus once healed a blind man by spitting into a handful of dirt and smearing it on his eyes .... on another occasion a woman touched the hem of his garment and was healed of a bleeding disorder. Was Jesus so full of the Holy Ghost people got healed just coming in contact with him? But then folks were not just randomly healed ... there was faith and a request present. Jesus had contact with alot of people not everyone asked for a healing .... the Demoniac didn't request one either .... but Jesus had mercy on him and healed him with a spoken word. He touched and was touched ... he spoke ... he spit and people got better. And it didn't stop there. After Pentecost his disciples did the same ..... well, there's no documented account of spitting. But there is the account of Paul blessing handkerchiefs that then went to the sick. In Jesus name the lame walked and the dead were raised. I mention this because I pray that my handmade things will bless there owners with good health. I took a few baby blankets to the clinic in Haiti and handed them out to mother's in the waiting room. The blankies are not magic and neither am I but God answers prayer.