The Spirit of the Lord inhabits the praise of his people. And where the Spirit of the Lord is there is life and health and peace.

My Word and my Spirit will not depart from the mouths of your children.

To my daughters in law .... (for I have yet to lay hold of this but forgetting what is past continue to strive to lay hold on that for which Christ laid hold of me.)
She Will Be Called Blessed
Her strength and her dignity clothe her with beauty;
In works of her hands she excells.
A heart of compassion she turns to the needy;
In service of others, she gives of herself.
She will be called blessed
By her sons and her daughters;
Precious to the Father
Are those who seek his ways.
She will be called blessed,
Held above ev'ry other;
Blessed is the mother
Who turns to God in praise.
She rises each morning to see her household;
She looks toward the future with joy.
She teaches her children true lessons of kindness;
And shares with them wisdom the world can't destroy.
~Elizabeth de Gravelles, based on Proverbs 31:10-31